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     London is planning to host the 2012 Olympic Games. They will need to plan carefully. Local (当地的)

people are worried that plans were made carelessly and too quickly because the organizers wanted to win

the bid. So, while some Londoners are excited about what will happen, others are more worried. The

government is sure that the country will host a magnificent (宏伟的) Olympics. Here are just a few things

some ordinary people said in the week following the bid.

     —Paul Smith: It is really good news for the businesses in the area. London gets a lot of tourists anyway,

but this will bring more. Local people are thinking of things to do that will make the area more fun over the

Olympics and make money as well.

     —David Ford: London is busy anyway. I'm not sure that the government will get the transport right. The

underground and the buses are too full now. The underground is so full at rush hour that it is dangerous. It

will be ten times worse in 2012. I 'm going to rent out (出租) my flat and go on holiday when the Games

are happening!   

    —Pearl Armstrong: It's great! I We sport— it's exciting! I like to watch it and I like to play it. We will see

all these great athletes (运动员) at the Games. It will be good afterwards, because the stadiums and swimming

pools and so on will all still be there, so they will let us use them.

1. When will London host the Olympic Games?

A. 2008.

B. 2009.

C. 2010.

D. 2012.

2. According to Paul Smith, why are the Games good for the businesses in London?

A. Because Londoners have made careful plans for the Games.

B. Because Londoners are thinking of ways to make the area less crowded.

C. Because Londoners can make more money by tourism industry.

D. Because all Londoners will work as guides (导游) during the Games.

3. What seems like a biggest problem with London Olympics?

A. Transport service.

B. Telephone service.

C. Restaurant service.

D. Not enough stadiums.

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. A lot of athletes will come to London for business.

B. Everything built for the Olympics will not be used after the Games are over.

C. Nearly all Londoners will rent their flats and go on holidays during the Games.

D. British government believes the future Games in London will be successful.

5. What's the meaning of the word "bid" in Chinese?

A. 举办权

B. 比赛

C. 民意

D. 服务


1-5      DCADA



材料一:染坊罢而染工散者数千人,机房罢而机工散者又数千人。此皆自食其力之良民也。                                          ——《明神宗实录》卷三六一

材料二:大户张机为生,小户趁织为活。每晨起,小户数百人,嗷嗷相聚玄庙口.听大户呼织,日取分金为饕餮计。大户一日之机不织则束手。小户一日不就人织则腹枵,两者相资为生久矣。                         ——蒋以化:《西台漫记》卷四



材料四:顺治元年。清政府颁发“迁海令”.将北起山东南至广东的沿海居民内迁三十四华里,并且将所有沿海船只悉行烧毁,寸板不许下水。凡溪河装栅,货物不许越界,时刻了望,违者死无赦。                     ——《台湾外纪》卷十二

材料五:夷货非衣食所需,可谓中国不缺耶。绝之则内外隔而构之衅无由生矣,夷虽欲窥伺我也,何可得哉!                            ——《海防纂要》卷七

材料六:“农为天下之本分,而工贾皆其末也……工贾取其利,而失之义,惟在平日留心劝导,使民知本业为贵。”                       ——《雍正王朝》



