问题 单项选择题

家庭财产两全保险的最长期限一般不超过( ),可由保险双方协商确定,以年为单位,从约定起保日零时起至期满日( )止,如到期被保险人不申请退保,保险单自动续转。

A.10年 24时
B.20年 24时
C.10年 12时
D.20年 12时



解析: 考点:家庭财产两全保险。家庭财产两全保险的最长期限一般不超过10年,可由保险双方协商确定,以年为单位,从约定起保日零时起至期满日24时止,如到期被保险人不申请退保,保险单自动续转。保险储金按保险金额每千元计算,被保险人应在投保时一次缴清。

  There are all kinds of trains in the world. There are trains to carry people, trains to carry animals
or carry things. There are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains go through hills.   
     In big cities, the streets are usually very busy. So you can find trains under the ground and trains
on a rail above the streets. They carry people quickly in and out of the city.   
     Can a train run over water? Yes, it can. There are many bridges over the rivers. The trains can
easily run over the water. But it is not easy to build the bridges. Today's trains have dining-rooms for
people. You may eat something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are useful to men, women
and children. Many children have model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails and
enjoy the wonderful world of trains.
1. There are all kinds of trains. Here "all kinds of trains" means ______.   
[ ]
A. fast trains and slow trains   
B. many different kinds of trains   
C. trains to go through hills   
D. trains to carry people
2. The trains carry people in and out of the big cities under the ground and on a rail above the streets 
    because ______.   
[ ]
A. the streets are very busy    
B. the cities are big   
C. the trains have dining-rooms  
D. the cities are too small
3. If you are hungry, you may go to ______ of the train to have something to eat when you are
    travelling by train.   
[ ]
A. some rooms           
B. some shops   
C. the dining-room         
D. the station
4. It's             for trains to run over the water but ______ to build bridges.   
[ ]
A. easy, easy           
B. easily, not easy   
C. difficult, easily        
D. easy, difficult