Gary is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the English class. Here is the way to play the game:
1. Get some pieces of paper that are cut into squares. Each Square is for writing one letter only.
2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i.”
3. Next, take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the letter you have written, for example, “in” or “hi.” Put the new word (written on the two squares) below the first square.
4. Then make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written.Again, put the new word on the next line.
5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a “word house.” The person who builds the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game.
小题1: What does a “word house” look like?

小题2:Which is true about the game?
A.It is about spelling.
B.It is a computer game.
C.There have to be five people in the game.
D.Students have to write four words in twenty minutes.小题3:Which of the following is the right order of playing the game?
a. cut the paper into squares
b. make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you’ve written
c. write a letter on one square
d. keep making new words in the same way
e. make a two-letter word and put it below the first square
C.d -c-e-b-a