做粗盐提纯实验时,在滤液加热蒸发的过程中,有时蒸发皿内液滴飞溅,造成此后果的原因可能是 _________ .
下列句子标点符号使用正确的一项是[ ]
A.近几年来,抗击汶川大地震、成功举办奥运会、抗击玉树地震、应对舟曲泥石流自然灾害……中 * * 在应对难事,办好大事中,在灾难和荣耀中砥砺了民族精神,磨练了民族意志,形成了空前的凝聚力和向心力。
Using the one-year holding period and multiple-year holding period dividend discount model (DDM), calculate the change in value of the stock of Monster Burger Place under the following scenarios. First, assume that an investor holds the stock for only one year. Second, assume that the investor intends to hold the stock for two years. Information on the stock is as follows: Last year's dividend was $2.50 per share. Dividends are projected to grow at a rate of 10.0% for each of the next two years. Estimated stock price at the end of year 1 is $25 and at the end of year 2 is $30. Nominal risk-free rate is 4.5%. The required market return is 10.0%. Beta is estimated at 1.0. The value of the stock if held for one year and the value if held for two years are:Year one Year two() ①A. $25.22 $35.25 ②B. $27.50 $35.25 ③C. $25.22 $29.80
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③