问题 单项选择题 A3/A4型题












    Take a class at Dulangkou School, and you'll see lots of things different from other schools. You can

see the desks are not in rows and students sit in groups. They put their desks together so they're facing

each other. How can they see the blackboard? There are three blackboards on the three walls of the


The school calls the new way of learning "Tuantuanzuo", meaning sitting in groups. Wei Liying, a Junior 3

teacher, said it was to give students more chance to communicate.

    Each group has five or six students, according to Wei, and they play different roles (角色). There is a

team leader who takes care of the whole group. There is a "study leader" who makes sure that everyone

finishes their homework. And there is a discipline (纪律) leader who makes sure that nobody chats in


    Wang Lin is a team leader. The 15-year-old said that having to deal with so many things was tiring.

    "I just looked after my own business before," said Wang. "But now I have to think about my five group members."

    But Wang has got used to it and can see the benefits (好处) now.

    "I used to speak too little. But being a team leader means you have to talk a lot. You could even call

me an excellent speaker today."

    Zhang Qi, 16, was weak in English. She used to get about 70 in English tests. But in a recent test,

Zhang got a grade of more than 80.

    "I rarely(很少)asked others when I had problems with my English. But now I can ask the team leader

or study leader. They are really helpful."

1. What makes Dulangkou School different from others? __________

A. The students' desks are in rows. |

B. Students sit and study in groups.

C. There are three blackboards in the classroom.

D. Both B and C.

2. A discipline leader is supposed to __________.

A. take care of the whole group

B. make sure that everybody finishes homework

C. make sure that nobody chats in class

D. collect all the homework and hand it in to teachers

3. The new way of learning is said to give students more chance to __________.

A. chat with each other

B. listen to the teachers

C. make friends

D. communicate

4. We can tell from the story that some students __________ this new way of learning.

A. get benefits from

B. are tired of

C. cannot get used to

D. hate




  材料二 中国古代的中央集权制度,从其产生之日起,其组织机构就具有多民族,大一统的性质,其职能就具有维护、推动、发展和形成多民族、大一统国家的历史任务。如果这一制度被削弱,此国家准出问题。传统农业对水利有着更多的依赖,从大禹治水到清代多次治理黄河,无不集中了大量的人力物力,这是靠一家一户的小农无法实现的……秦凭借从中央到地方较为完善的统治机构,做到了“书同文”。文字统一对形成共同的文化认同和民族认同,对中国的民族融合、国家统一、疆域拓展、历史延续,都起着不可替代的作用。  ——摘自《凤凰网》

  材料三 “新英格兰出现的骚乱,我们商业上的不景气以及笼罩全国各地的那种普遍的低迷消沉情绪,在很大程度上(如果不是完全的话)归咎于最高权力机构的无权……” ——华盛顿在1787年给友人的一封信

  材料四 中央对地方实行严格管理,国家官员在君主面前,永远只能处于被管理被驱策的地位,决不能按自己的意图或根据客观条件运用独立的治理权。  ——摘自《中国政治制度史》




(2)依据材料二,概括这一制度对推动中 * * 发展的作用。







