问题 单项选择题


During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California.I went to live there in order to be 21  him. I hated the place .I had never  22  been so unhappy . My husband was ordered out on a long-term duty,and I was left in a tiny shack(棚屋) alone. The heat was  23  -almost 125 0F even in the shade of a cactus(仙人掌)。 24  a soul to talk to . The wind blew non-stop ,and all the food I ate ,and the evry air I breathed,were  25   with sand , sand , sand !

I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents. I told them I was  26   and coming back home.I said I couldn’t stand it one minute longer. I  27  be in prison! My father answered my  28  with just two lines-two lines that will always sing in my  29  - two lines that completely changed my life :

Two men looked out from prison bars

One saw the mud ,the other saw the stars

I read those two lines  30   I was ashamed of myself. I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present  31  ; I would look for the stars

I made friends with the natives,and their  32  amazed me. They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had  33  to sell to toueists . I studied the delightful forms of the cactus .I watched for the desert sunsets,and  34  for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the desert had been an ocean  35 

What brought about this  36   change in me ? The desert hadn’t changed , 37   I had .I had changed my  38   And by doing so ,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing  39  of my life . I was excited by this new world that I had dicovered I had looked out of my self-creatded prison and  40   the stars











材料二:(中新网西安)2006年11月16日电(记者冽玮)记者今天从陕西文 物部门获悉,“秦代新出土文物展——兵马俑展II”将于十二月一日在台湾台中自然科学博物馆展出,预计展期为四个月。据悉,此次展览除了闻名遐迩的秦兵马俑外,还包括许多近年来秦始皇陵附近出土的珍贵文物。最新统计资料显示,从一九七六年三月起,秦兵马俑至今已经“出访”过三十多个国家和地区,参加过一百多个展览,被人们形象地称为“秦军出巡”。





