问题 单项选择题

甲某购买了一件商品,该商品的产品说明书明示安全使用期为8年。如果因该商品存在缺陷造成损害,则要求赔偿的请求权最长可达多少年( )




解析: 根据《产品质量法》第45条第2款的规定:“因产品存在缺陷造成损害要求赔偿的请求权,在造成损害的缺陷产品交付最初消费者满十年丧失;但是,尚未超过明示的安全使用期的除外。”因此,产品责任最长保护期为10年,但产品明示安全使用期超过10年的以安全使用期为准。注意此期限不同于《民法通则》规定的20年最长保护期。

     Newton was born on Christmas, 1642, in a small village in England. His father, a farmer, died when he
was young. He liked to repair clocks and make toys. He also was interested in astronomy (天文学). Newton
went to school at twelve. Soon after he had to stop as his mother wanted him to do farm work. When she
found her son was so interested in science, Mrs. Newton sent him to Cambridge (剑桥) University to study.
He was 19 at that time. Sometimes he had to work as a servant to go on his study. There he became a famous
scientist. At 23 he invented methods of calculation (计算) which have been used to nowadays. In 1665 he had
to leave the university and go home where he made two of his great discoveries. One is that he found the colour
of sunlight was made up of seven kinds. The other was the founding of force of gravity (地心引力), which
was one of the most important theories (理论) for modern science.
1. Newton was a great scientist. He ______.
[ ]
A. discovered the law of nature
B. discovered the force of gravity
C. discovered the universe
2. Mrs. Newton hoped her son could become a ______.
[ ]
A. worker
B. scientist
C. farmer
3. In Cambridge Newton often worked as a ______ to go on his study.
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A. student
B. servant
C. scientist
4. Newton's first discovery was ______.
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A. 7 colours of the sunlight
B. light
C. lens
5. Newton stopped studying when he was young, because ______.
[ ]
A. his father died
B. his mother wanted him to be a farmer
C. his family was poor