问题 问答题

案情:王某与甲公司于2004年2月签订合同,约定王某以40万元向甲公司购买1辆客车,合同签订之日起1个月内支付30万元,余款在2006年2月底前付清,并约定在王某付清全款之前该车所有权仍属甲公司。王某未经其妻同意,以自家住房(婚后购买,房产证登记所有人为王某)向乙银行抵押借款30万元,并办理了抵押登记。王某将30万元借款支付给甲公司后购回客车。王某请张某负责跟车经营,并商定张某按年终纯收入的5%提成,经营中发生的一切风险责任由王某承担。   2005年6月,该车营运途中和一货车相撞,车内乘客李某受重伤,经救治无效死亡。客车因严重受损被送往丁厂修理,需付费3万元。经有关部门认定,货车驾驶员唐某违章驾驶,应对该交通事故负全责。后王某以事故责任在货车方为由拒付修理费,丁厂则拒绝交车。2005年12月,因王某借款到期未还,乙银行申请法院对该客车采取财产保全措施,并请求对王某住房行使抵押权。   问题:




解析:运输合同是承运人将旅客或者货物从起运地点运输到约定地点,旅客、托运人或者收货人支付票款或者运输费用的合同。《合同法》的第302条规定,承运人应当对运输过程中旅客的伤亡承担损害赔偿责任,但伤亡是旅客自身健康原因造成的或者承运人证明伤亡是旅客故意、重大过失造成的除外。在本案中,李某与王某之间形成了运输合同法律关系,王某作为承运人应当对运输过程中旅客李某的死亡承担损害赔偿责任,且李某的死亡依据案情显然不是其自身原因或其故意、重大过失造成的。鉴于李某已经死亡,王某应对李某的继承人承担支付赔偿金的责任。 根据《合同法》第122条的规定,因当事人一方违约行为,侵害对方人身财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。因此,受害方也可对王某提起侵权之诉。



     阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后的表格中填人 恰当的单词。

     注意:表格中的每个空格只填1 个单词.

    The farm economy of the United States has changed a lot in the last seventy years. In the 1930s,

twenty-five percent of the nation's population lived on farms. Today less than one percent of Americans


       Farm incomes have changed over the years, too. For example,in 1933,people living and working on

farms had much less money to spend than other Americans. At that time,farm families had about one-third

the income of non- farmers after all necessary expenses had been paid. By the late  1970s, however, that  difference  had  almost disappeared. In 2004,farmers had their best year ever. The average farm family

earned about eighty-one thousand dollars. That was more than the average American family, which

earned about sixty thousand dollars.

   The Department of Labor measures the pay of industrial workers differently. It measures the average

hourly and weekly pay for industrial workers. This is because factory workers are generally paid by the

hour unlike farmers who earn income from their farm businesses. Generally, the average hourly pay for


industrial workers is about sixteen dollars. And the average weekly pay,about five hundred fifty dollars.

     Industrial workers were about twenty-three percent of the labor force in the 1970s. But that number

has been decreasing. Most Americans have jobs that provide services. Professional,technical and other

services employ about eighty-six percent of the labor force.
