问题 单项选择题

Is the customer always right The answer, it seems, depends on which country you are in. Shopping is very much a part of a country’s culture, and attitudes to shopping and consumers vary from country to country just as much as climate or taste in food. From the air-conditioned American shopping centers to the street market of African towns, the way we shop shows the way we see ourselves and our relationships with other people.
Business competition in Europe has given consumers increased power. This has meant falling prices, plenty of special offers and a re-examination of what customer service really means. People often point to America as an example of excellent customer service. In restaurants in the south of the USA, for example, waiters compliment you on your clothes, ask about your day, compliment you on the wisdom of your order and then return every ten minutes to refill your glass and make sure that everything is to your satisfaction.
Anyone who has waited 30 minutes to be served in a restaurant might well dream of such attention, but do Europeans really want US style service As a friend of mine once told me, "By the end of the evening I had spent as much time talking to the waiter as to my wife. " It is a question of expectations. Different nationalities expect different types of service.
A Chinese-American friend loves telling people about how her Chinese mother shops for clothes: "First of all she waits until they are on sale, then she bargains until she gets an even better price and then she finds some small fault with the product and demands a further reduction. She never buys anything at the regular price. " Could you imagine trying such tricks in a department store in your country
Attitudes to service are, of course, affected by employers’ attitudes to their workers. As American sales and service personnel are heavily reliant on commission and tips, they have more motives to provide more service. But is this fair Do we think it is fair to ask shop assistants to work late evenings, Sundays and 12 hour shifts It might not be a case of "Is the customer always right" but a case of "How much service is it fair to expect\

According to the last paragraph, the service quality of American service personnel may depend on ______.

A. the customers’ attitude towards them
B. their working experience
C. the length of their working hours
D. the amount of commission and tips







        冉有曰:“今夫颛臾,固而近于费。今不取,后世必为子孙忧。”孔子曰:“求!君子疾夫舍曰‘欲之’而必为之辞。盖均无贫,和无寡,安无倾。夫如是,故远人不服,则修文德以来之,既来之,则安之。今由与求也相夫子,远人不服而不能来也,邦分崩离析而不能守也,而谋动干戈于邦内。吾恐季孙之忧,                  。”  

1.下列加粗词解释不正确的一项是(     )

A.且尔言矣。   :责备。

B.虎兕出柙  :介词,可译为“从”。

C.而近于费。   :坚固。

D.今由与求也夫子   :辅助。

2.与“危而不持,颠而不扶”的“而”字用法不相同的一项是(     )





3.与“季氏将有事于颛臾。”中的“于”字用法相同的一项是(     )
















