问题 论述题

2012年12月4日,中 * * 政治局会议审议通过了中央政治局关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定,强调要改进调查研究,精简会议活动,精简文件简报,规范出访活动,改进警卫工作,改进新闻报道,严格文稿发表,厉行勤俭节约。随后又提出六项禁令,严禁用公款搞相互走访、送礼、宴请等拜年活动;严禁向上级部门赠送土特产;严禁违反规定收送礼品、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证和商业预付卡;严禁滥发钱物,讲排场、比阔气,搞铺张浪费;严禁超标准接待;严禁组织和参与赌博活动。










第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.   21 , you need to be specific. Don’t say, “Boy, did you   22   like a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed me by getting drunk and telling   23  jokes to my parents.” Secondly, stick to the present. Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year. By doing this, you   24  attention from the problem at hand. Moreover, when you complain,   25   add insults. If you start calling the other person names, that will only   26  anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really   27  you. A last point to remember is to complain privately. Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that   28  . Criticizing in front of a third party has the same effect as   29 . This shames the person being criticized and makes it very   30  that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.

Remember sensible ways to complain yet?

Be specific.

Stick to the present.

Don’t add insults.

Complain privately.

21. A. To start with    B. Frankly speaking    C. In addition      D. Needless to say

22. A. conduct             B. undergo                 C. perform        D. act

23. A. temporary      B. controversial       C. offensive       D. dramatic

24. A. take away     B. set off             C. draw up        D. catch up

25. A. not                 B. barely            C. never           D. seldom

26. A. commit        B. deliver            C. involve         D. create

27. A. listen to             B. work for            C. look after       D. wait on

28. A. time           B. matter             C. person         D. party

29. A. jokes          B. criticism            C. insults          D. embarrassment

30. A. likely         B. natural            C. impossible      D. Frequent