问题 单项选择题

在几千年人类文明发展进程中,亚洲、非洲、美洲、欧洲都留下许多宝贵的文学、艺术和建筑遗产。下列文化遗产属于同一个大洲的是( )。







解析: 本题考查文学常识。A项中《最后的晚餐》是意大利达·芬奇的作品,雕塑“思想者”是法国奥古斯蒂·罗丹的作品,雕塑“大卫”是意大利雕塑家米开朗基罗的作品,它们都属于欧洲文化遗产。B项中“胡夫金字塔”和“狮身人面像”是埃及文化遗产,而“帕特农神庙”是希腊的著名建筑遗产。C项中《百年孤独》是拉丁关洲作家马尔克斯的代表作,《老人与海》是美国小说家海明威的代表作,《海底两万里》是法国科幻小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一。D项中《飞鸟集》是印度诗人泰戈尔的代表作之一,《高老头》是法国著名作家巴尔扎克的小说,《源氏物语》是日本的一部古典文学名著。故选A。



     The United States has many different kinds of climates (气候). On the northwest coast (海岸), the

temperature changes very little between summer and winter, but the north central (中部的) states have

a very different kind of climate. In those states, people wear light clothes in summer, and they need

heavy woolen clothes in winter.

     In the southwest coast, the climate is rainy and warm during the winter, but the summer is dry and hot.

     In the northeast of the United States, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.

Summer is usually hot, and winter is usually cold. Spring temperatures are warm, and fall temperatures

are cool.

     Years ago, people in the cold parts of the United States didn't often get fresh (新鲜的) vegetables

and fresh fruits during the summer. Today, however (然而), trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables

very quickly to all parts of the United States. In this way, Americans "send their climates" to people in

other states.

1. The summer and winter temperatures are almost the same _____. 

    A. in the northeastern states

    B. on the north central states

    C. in the western states

    D. on the northwest coast

2. The word "fall" in this passage means _____.

    A. drop

    B. down

    C. autumn

    D. spring

3. Today people _____ can get fresh vegetables and fruits.

    A. in the north central states

    B. in every part of the U.S.A.

    C. in the cold parts of the U.S.A.

    D. in the southwest part of the U.S.A.

4. From this passage we know that the climate of the United States _____.

    A. is always very cold 

    B. is warm in winter

    C. is widely different

    D. changes very little between summer and winter

5. From Paragraph 2 we know that the climate of the southwest coast is _____.

    A. Maritime (海洋性) climate

    B. Savanna (热带草原) climate

    C. Mediterranean (地中海) climate

    D. Tropical rainforest (热带雨林) climate
