问题 选择题

下列词语中加粗的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是[ ]

A.杯/体裁衣   寒/退避三   谓/心如意

B.声/引高歌   慰/声名狼   见/博闻强

C.泥绰有余   怒/目而视   掌/中流

D.瓦/众口金   偏/纵横合   泣/笔耕不





阅读下列各小题, 根据每句后的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

1. He tried enthusiastically to join the army but to his disappointment ended up ______________

    because of poor eyesight.(turn)

他满腔热情地想要参军, 但令他失望的是最终因为视力不好被拒绝了.

2. ____________________in the annual report, the number of Spanish speakers in the US will be higher than that of English speakers by the year 2090.(state)

正如年度报告里所陈述的, 到2090年, 美国说西班牙语的人数将会超过说英语的.

3. It was desired by the professor ____________________all the participants when there was even a

    slightest change in the state of the virus. (ring)

一旦病毒状态有任何变化, 教授要求他给所有的参与者打电话.

4. ____________________could Holmes settle down and dive into his logical deduction.(leave)

直到他独处时, 福尔摩斯才能静下心来投入到他的逻辑推理中.

5. With piles of problems ____________________,  his father set off earlier for his office.(attend)

因为有一大堆的问题要处理, 他父亲很早就出发去办公室了.

6. If only we ____________________ some money when we were young, we would be able to afford

    a journey around the world after retirement.(set)

要是我们年轻的时候能存些钱就好了, 那样的话退休后我们就能支付得起去环游世界的费用了.

7. It is your ambition, rather than encouragement from others, ____________________assist you to

   succeed in time. (bound)


8. It was a pity for him and the literature world ____________________hidden in a napkin, otherwise he would make history. (have)

让他的天分被一张餐巾纸掩盖, 对于他和文学界来说都是一件遗憾的事;否则的话他就能创造历史了.

9. He couldn't have been threatened by any danger as he ____________________nurses and doctors at hospital when we were out of the hospital.(accompany)

他不会有任何危险的, 因为我们离开医院时, 有护士和医生陪着他.

10. Smoking does great harm to your lung as well as your family members, eventually ____________________ your quality of life.(affect)

吸烟对你的肺和你的家人造成巨大的伤害, 最终会影响你的生活质量.
