问题 阅读理解
        The world is divided into two important parts. One half of the world is rich and the other half is poor. In
the poor part, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the rich part, a lot of people eat too much. In one part,
children are hungry and in the other, a lot of people are fatter and fatter and have to go on diets or do some
exercise to lose weight. For example, a dog or a cat in North America eats better than a child in the poorer
        The poor countries have some difficult problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on.
The land can be got or made better, but a lot of things must be done first. The people must be taught and the
water must be found.
        But rich countries have problems, too. They are not always pleasant places too live in. sometimes the air
is too dirty to breathe and the rivers are too dirty to swim in or to take water. The roads and the streets are full
of people and buses. Cars usually move very slowly. Noise is terrible. A lot of people do not have houses to live
in. some things will have to be done about these problems. The air and the rivers must be cleaned, and more
houses will have to be built. But these can't be done easily.
                                                      Different lives in the world
In poor countriesIn rich countries
People in poor countries  1                  
People in rich countries eat too much.
Children are hungry.A lot of people have to    2                        
Difficult problem:
The land is too poor
Difficult problem:
The air and the rivers    3                         
Things must be done:     4                  
Things must be done:
The air and the river       5                         ,
more houses   6                                        

1. never get enough to eat.

2. go on diets or do some exercise to lose weight.

3. are too dirty.

4. The people must be taught and the water must be found.

5. must be cleaned.

6. will have to be built.                                                                                                 答案不唯一






  高帝明并日月,谋臣渊深,然涉险被创,危然后安。今陛下未及高帝,谋臣不如良、平,而欲以长计取胜,坐定天下,此臣之未解一也。刘繇、王朗各据州郡,论安言计,动引圣人,群疑满腹,众难塞胸,今岁不战,明年不征,使孙策坐大,遂并江东,此臣之未解二也。曹操智计殊绝于人,其用兵也,仿佛孙、吴,然困于南阳,险于鸟巢,危于祁连,逼于黎阳,几败北山,殆死潼关,然后伪定一时耳。况臣才弱,而欲以不危而定之,此臣之未解三也。曹操五攻昌霸不下,四越巢湖不成,任用李服而李服图之,委夏侯而夏侯败亡,先帝每称操为能,犹有此失,况臣驽下,何能必胜?此臣之未解四也。自臣到汉中,中间期年耳,然丧赵云、阳群、马玉、阎芝、丁立、白寿、刘邻、邓铜等及曲长、屯将七十馀人,突将无前。 叟、青羌散骑、武骑一千馀人,此皆数十年之内所纠合四方之精锐,非一州之所有;若复数年,则损三分之二也,当何以图敌?此臣之未解五也。今民穷兵疲,而事不可息;事不可息,则住与行劳费正等。而不及今图之,欲以一州之地,与贼持久,此臣之未解六也。


1.下列加粗词语理解有误的一项是( )。

A.思惟北征(唯一的思想)     使孙策坐大(妄自尊大)

B.欲以长计取胜(长远之计)    夫难者,事也(衡量,预测)

C.曹操拊手(拍手,形容得意之状) 鞠躬尽(劳累)

D.秭归蹉跌(跌跤)        劳费正等(相等,一样)

2.下列句子理解有误的一项是( )。


B.伪定一时——意指曹操暂时取得了 * * 。蜀汉自居正统,所以称曹为“伪”。




