问题 选择题

著名音乐人高某醉酒驾驶,导致4 车追尾,3人受伤。北京法院以危险驾驶罪判处高某拘役6个月,并处罚金4000元。对此理解正确的是 [    ]








I have always loved kids. However, the children here at Shanti Bhavan are unlike any that I have ever met. They have a strong drive and determination and are thankful for the wonderful opportunity they have been given. While at Shanti Bhavan, I taught 3rd graders writing, language, and literature, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders public speaking, 9th and 10th graders basketball, and piano lessons. I found teaching the children was the most rewarding experience of my life. They are really fast learners and really have an interest in knowledge. It was easy to get on with such polite, well-mannered, and hard-working students. They dream big and I only hope that I can continue to be a part of helping them achieve their goals.

As far as my day-to-day living went, I was perfectly comfortable here and came to consider it as a second home. My room was clean and comfortable and the staff could not have been nicer.

In addition, I really appreciated the support of all the teachers. They were so welcoming and kind that it truly cleared away my fears and culture shock. They often gave me advice and befriended me and I owe much to them for their warmth.

I honestly feel that Shanti Bhavan is the most beautiful place on earth. It has love and learning, and I am very sad to be leaving. I am looking forward to my return to this newly found family as soon as possible. Thank you so much Miss Beena and Mrs. Law for all of your love and support. The experience that I worked with them will always come into my mind. This has been the greatest experience of my life.

小题1:What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Kids liked basketball lessons best.

B.Kids at Shanti Bhavan helped the author a lot.

C.The author is a fast learner and dreams big.

D.The author taught different lessons at the same time.小题2:What does the author think of the students at Shanti Bhavan?




D.Funny小题3:Which of the following words can best describe the author’s day-to-day living at Shanti Bhavan?




D.Comfortable小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The author will come back soon.

B.The author has decided to settle at Shanti Bhavan.

C.The author once felt uneasy at Shanti Bhavan.

D.The author was forced to come to Shanti Bhavan at first.




(1) 该公司共有董事7人,其中有1名是A公司的子公司B的董事。董事会有6人亲自出席,其中包括B公司的董事。列席本次董事会的监事张某向会议提交另一名因故不能到会的董事出具的代为行使表决权的委托书,该委托书委托张某代为行使本次董事会的表决权。

(2) 会议通过了A上市公司的子公司B为董事高某提供借款10万元的决定。

(3) 另外,董事会通过了一项与B公司签订房屋租赁合同的决定,经确认,除B公司的董事未参与表决外,剩余的5名董事全部通过。

(4) 董事会会议结束后,以上所有决议事项均载入会议记录,并由出席董事会会议的全体董事和列席会议的监事签名后存档。


(1) 甲地从事工业设备生产销售的厂家还包括C公司、D公司,为了巩固甲地该产品的市场利润,A公司、C公司和D公司达成了一项协议,约定了三家厂商生产的同类机器设备的基准价格,最多上浮50%。缔约的任何一方不得低于该基准价格,否则会受到相应的制裁。

(2) A公司为了进一步维护产品价格,还与下游的各经销商达成了关于限定转售价格的协议。根据该协议约定,A公司的经销商转售各种型号设备必须遵照约定的最低价格,对于销售不畅的经销商由A公司给予一定的优惠条件,但绝对不允许降价销售。

(3) A公司在乙地市场销售额为1500万元,经相关部门测算,工业设备在当地市场的销售额总量为1亿元,在乙地市场上还有一家经营者E公司,该公司与A公司虽然都属于工业设备的生产商,但由于各自侧重于当地不同的市场,因此之间不存在实质竞争,E公司在乙地的市场销售额为6500万元,A公司为了抢占并扩展乙地的市场,当年准备并购该经营者60%的股份,并购前A公司和E公司2009年营业额资料如下:


[要求] 根据公司法律制度和反垄断法律制度的规定,分析说明下列问题:
