问题 单项选择题

有效的成本控制都应遵循( )等原则。








In the late 1970’s,many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems ,and new steel — and — glass skyscrapers were widely criticized. Some ecologists (生态学家)pointed out that a number of tall buildings in a city often overburden public transportation.

Skyscrapers are also lavish consumers of electric power and water. In just one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City itself has already raised the top daily demand for electricity by 120, 000 kw — enough to supply the entire city of Albany in New York area for a single day.

Glass—walled skyscrapers can also be especially wasteful. The heat loss ,or gain, through a wall of half 一 inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical ordinary wall filled with bricks or board. In order to decrease the pressure on heating and air — conditioning equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double—layered glass ,and reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that could reduce glare (强光)as well as heat gain. However, mirror — walled skyscrapers may raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings as well.

Skyscrapers put a severe pressure on a city's sanitation (卫生)facilities, too. If fully occupied, the towers just within the central area of New York would alone produce 2. 25 million gallons of waste water each year^—as much as the city size of Stanford, Connecticut, which has a population of more than 109,000.

小题1:The underlined phrase“ lavish consumers ”in the 2nd paragraph probably means ____

A.trash producers

B.great spenders

C.pressure makers

D.poor customers小题2:Glass walls of skyscrapers are specially mentioned in order to _____.

A.show how skyscrapers manage to lessen their pressure

B.explain why skyscrapers can control its air conditions

C.describe further how wasteful skyscrapers could be

D.present the stability of skyscrapers in modern buildings小题3:From the last paragraph we can learn that _____.

A.central New York skyscrapers are a large waste water producer

B.the central area of New York is as large as the city of Stanford

C.more than 109,000 people live in the skyscrapers in New York

D.New York produces 2. 25 million gallons of waste water each year小题4:When the writer talks about skyscrapers ,his tone sounds _____






申华有限责任公司(以下简称申华公司)2001年发生如下事项: (1) 申华公司工程师赵林受公司指派担任一计算机软件开发项目的负责人,项目成员还有甲、乙、丙三人,其中赵林和甲负责研究开发工作,乙负责项目的协调管理工作,丙负责项目的资料翻译与整理工作,他们完成了该项目,而后由公司营销部销售。 (2) 申华公司与辉煌有限责任公司(以下简称辉煌公司)4月6日签订了“节能热水器”技术转让合同,由申华公司向辉煌公司转让节能热水器的全部的图纸及样品,合同未约定该技术成果的分享办法,11月20日申华公司又对“节能热水器”进行改造,研制成“高效节能热水器”。 (3) 申华公司6月1日与天华有限责任公司(以下简称天华公司)签订许可使用合同,合同约定;申华公司将其商标“满堂春”许可天华公司使用(注册商标1994年2月1日披核准,类别为热水器类),许可期限为2001年6月至2007年6片,每年使用费为l00万元,双方同时约定申华公司应当监督该注册商标的商品质量,该合同签订后送当地省级工商行政管理机关备案。 (4) 8月10日,外国丁公司认为申华公司使用的注册商标因与其驰名商标近似,侵害了其驰名商标注册人的权益,请示国家工商局商标评审委员会予以撤销。申华公司辩称:丁公司驰名商标为食品,而本公司为热水器类,不属同类商品,且丁公司并末在中国注册其驰名商标。 (5) 11月7日申华公司开展有奖销售活动,其公告中称本次活动分两次开奖,第一次一等奖8名,各奖彩电一台(价值4500元):第二次一等奖3名,各奖数码相机一台(价值3300元);第一次获奖者还可以参加第二次抽奖。 要求:根据上述事实,回答以下问题: (1) 该计算机软件的权利归属如何认定为什么 (2) 申华公司后续改进的热水器技术成果归谁享有为什么 (3) 申华公司与天华公司签订的许可使用合同有哪些不合法之处为什么 (4) 丁公司的驰名商标能否得到保护为什么 (5) 申华公司足否构成不正当竞争行为为什么