问题 单项选择题

出租车司机甲送孕妇乙去医院,途中乙临产,情形危急。为争取时间,甲将车开至非机动车道掉头,被交警拦截并被告知罚款。经甲解释,交警对甲未予处罚且为其开警车引道,将乙及时送至医院。对此事件,下列哪一项表述是正确的( )







解析: 本题考点:法律价值、法律解释、法律推理。详解:在此交通违章的处理中,交警主要使用了辩证推理方法,而非形式推理(包括演绎推理和归纳推理),因此选项A错误。行政解释,与立法解释和司法解释一样,都属于正式解释,具有普遍约束力,而本案中察对违章与否的解释针对的对象是特定,而且是一次适用,因此选项B错误。价值判断与事实判断在判断的取向上不同。价值判断,以主体(人)为取向尺度;而事实判断,以现存的法律制度作为判断的取向。在本案,交警并没有以法律为判断取向,而是以人为取向。因此,选项C正确。此事件反映出交通规则所体现的秩序价值与孕妇的身体健康的利益价值之间的冲突,因此选项D错误。做对本题难度不大(排除法),但选项C有一定难度。



     Friendship Day truly calls for celebrations and is the perfect occasion to let your friends know how

important they are and how cherished their friendship is. It is celebrated all over the world with much

delight. Today the celebrations have gained so much popularity. In case you are thinking of how to

celebrate Friendship Day, you will find many Friendship Day celebration ideas given below.

     Camping Out

     Take your friends along and plan a camping trip. Explore the outdoors with your friends and you can

do plenty of activities like having a bonfire, go hiking, etc. Camping out in the open environment will make

sure you have plenty of time in hand and have fun exploring new things together.

     Organize a Friendship Day Party

     It is the time to celebrate and show everyone how special your friend is. Organize a party for the sake

of friendship. Raise a toast for your friendship and prepare everything that your friend likes. Your friend

will not forget this party for a lifetime!

     Catch up on a Movie

     What a good way to celebrate Friendship Day by watching a nice movie together with friends! If

there is a good movie playing in the theaters, you can go there with your friends and also have lunch or

dinner outside. If not, then you can get some cute movie DVDs on friendship and watch it at the comfort

of your home.

     Recollect Old Memories

     Call your friends over and go through your albums. Recollect fond memories of childhood and how

you became friends. Take a walk down the nostalgic lane and recollect fond memories like your first fights,

amusing sleepovers, or your first movie together, etc.

1. The text is to tell us ______.

A. some suggestions on how to make friends

B. some advice on how to celebrate Friendship Day

C. some advice on how to spend holidays

D. some suggestions on how to celebrate festivals

2. Why does the Friendship Day truly call for celebrations?

A. Because it is a traditional day dating back to the old days.

B. Because it is a rule which was made by the government.

C. Because all friends like to do it and they can enjoy themselves.

D. Because it is a perfect way to show how cherished their friendship is.

3. _____ ways are suggested in the text.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

4. If we want to recollect old memories, we can ______.

A. organize a party

B. see a film with friends

C. plan a camping trip

D. go through albums with friends
