问题 多项选择题 案例分析题









参考答案:A, C, D, E


A team of researchers recently created a robot that can repair itself. The newly designed machine can sense injury to itself and adapt. That ability sets the new robot apart from earlier machines. Because the robot can recover from unexpected damage, it may be especially useful in exploring unfamiliar places. “There is a need for planetary robotic rovers(流浪者) to be able to fix things on their own,” says Josh Bongard, one of the device’s creators. “Robots on other planets must be able to continue their mission without human help if they are damaged and cannot communicate their problem back to Earth.”

A typical robot functions according to a computer program, but the new robot works differently. First, sensors in its four legs observe the robot’s movements and signals to its built-in computer. From the information it collects, the robot creates its own programs that allow it to adapt to different situations. For example, when the researchers shortened one of the robot’s legs, the smart machine simply adjusted its way of walking—it used three legs instead of four.

The researchers are looking for other places to put the resilient(迅速恢复) robot to work. One possible spot is the ocean floor. That dark and dangerous undersea terrain(地带) might be a good choice for a robot the scientists call the Starfish. “We never officially named the robot, but we usually refer to it as the Starfish, even though a real starfish has five rather than four legs,” says Bongard. “Also, a real starfish is much better than our robot at recovering from injury, because it can actually regrow its legs.” Scientists have created robots that help humans in many ways: by exploring space, fighting fires, and even performing surgery.

1. The newly designed robot is different from the former ones because it ___________.

A. can communicate with people on the earth about their problems

B. works according to a certain computer program

C. can find problems itself and get used to the new environment

D. can explore unfamiliar places

2. An example is given in the second paragraph in order to explain that the new robot ___________.

A. is used to create new programs                        B. has typical robot functions

C. has sensors to observe its movements              D. can adapt to new conditions

3. What might be the best title of the passage?

A. How does the Starfish Robot work                B. Do-It-Yourself Robot Repair

C. Robots Designed to Work On Other Planets    D. New Robot Helping Us In Many Ways

4. Which of the following is True about the Starfish?

A. It has more than four legs.                               B. It hasn’t been officially named.      

C. It can regrow its legs quickly.                    D. It has started to work on the ocean floor.


案情:2003年10月底,刘曙光因被车撞伤送进A市人民医院诊治,分两次将500毫升血浆输入体内。2003年底,刘曙光声称自己在A市人民医院输血时染上乙肝,因为输血后一个月自己开始出现全身乏力、食欲减退、体重下降等症状,经省级医院确诊患有乙型肝炎,而自己家人均无乙肝病史。2004年 1月,刘曙光以在A市医院就诊期间在输血过程中感染乙肝为由,向A市某区法院起诉,请求A市医院赔偿各种费用30万余元。一审中,医院护士岳某提供证言证明刘曙光在医院只打过点滴,没有输血。刘曙光代理律师提交刘曙光在A市人民医院输血时的费用单据。A市人民医院辩称原告没有充分的证据证明在医院输入血浆携带乙肝病毒,自己不应承担责任。一审法院认为,原告未向法院举出直接输入被告提供的血浆而染上乙肝的证据,本院也未收集到相关的证据,故原告诉讼请求木予支持,驳回刘曙光的诉讼请求。刘曙光上诉,二审法院组成合议庭,合议庭阅卷后径行判决,由医院承担对刘曙光的赔偿责任。二审败诉后,A市医院的代理律师进行了多方调查,从刘曙光同事武某处获知,2003年4月到6月刘曙光曾在A市嘉德医院住院治疗,A市医院的代理律师从嘉德医院取得刘曙光的病历,该病历证明刘曙光在2003年4月已经患有乙型肝炎。