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有关(香港特别行政区基本法)修改的表述正确的是:( )。







解析:《香港特别行政区基本法》第159条规定:“本法的修改权属于全国人民代表大会。   本法的修改提案权属于全国人民代表大会常务委员会、国务院和香港特别行政区。香港特别行政区的修改议案,须经香港特别行政区的全国人民代表大会代表三分之二多数、香港特别行政区立法会全体议员三分之二多数和香港特别行政区行政长官同意后,交由香港特别行政区出席全国人民代表大会的代表团向全国人民代表大会提出。   本法的修改议案在本法的任何修改,均不得同中华人民共和国对香港既定的基本方针政策相抵触。”   B项中应为“和”而非“或”,所以错误;C项中应为全国人民代表大会而非全国人大常委会,所以错误;D项中享有此权的不是全国人民代表大会而是其常委会,所以错误。   经济法(19~28) 10题



     CHICAGO (Reuters) - Swine flu has killed nearly 10,000 Americans, including 1,100 children and

7,500 younger adults, and infected one in six people in the United States since arriving last April, health

officials said on Thursday.

     Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said more

than 200,000 Americans had been hospitalized - about the same number who are affected by seasonal

flu in an entire year.

     "About 15 percent of the entire country has been infected with H1N1 influenza, or about one in six

people," Frieden told a media briefing.

"That still leaves most people not having been infected and still remaining susceptible to H1N1 influenza,

" he said.

     He said supplies of H1N1 vaccine (疫苗) had continued to improve, and some 85 million doses of

the vaccine had been made available for distribution so far, with 12 million more doses added this week.

     That is up from 73 million doses a week ago - but still far fewer than had been hoped for by this week.

     Even so, Frieden said vaccine supplies had opened up enough that states were beginning to distribute

the vaccine to the general population.

     He urged people not to be complacent about (沾沾自喜) getting the vaccine because of reports that

the current wave of H1N1 influenza is decreasing.

     "This is still a good window of opportunity to be vaccinated," he said. "Vaccination remains the most

important thing you can do to protect yourself and your family from H1N1 influenza."

     He said the seasonal flu season was beginning and it was not clear what would happen with H1N1 or

whether there would be a third wave of the virus in the spring.

     "We know that the more people who get vaccinated, the lower the likelihood will be of additional

cases or a third wave," Frieden said.

     In a typical year, seasonal influenza kills 36,000 Americans and puts 200,000 into the hospital.

1. Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage?

A. Nearly 10,000 Americans, including 1,100 children and 7,500 younger adults died.

B. One sixth people in the United States were infected by Swine flu.

C. More than 200,000 Americans had been in hospital.

D. The American government had distribute most of the vaccine to the general population.

2. In the sentence "This is still a good window of opportunity to be vaccinated," the "

     window of opportunity" means ______.

A. favourable time

B. bad luck

C. unfortunate occasion

D. favourable window

3. Seasonal influenza ______. 

A. usually cause more deaths and a lot of people in hospital

B. will be a third wave in the next spring

C. will continue to spread

D. will make more people affected

4. According to the passage, people in America should ______.

A. forget H1N1 influenza because it is decreasing gradually

B. continue to protect themselves and their family from H1N1 influenza though it is decreasing

C. be complacent about getting the vaccine because of reports

D. often go outdoors
