An increasing number of children are flying and traveling around China on their own.
Eleven-year-old Guo Yongyi quickly finds her place in Row 38 on the three-houi morning flight
from Beijing to Shenzhen , Guangdong province. She takes the window seat and calls for the flight
attendant (乘务员) to ask for a blanket,places her purple backpack under the seat in front of her and
fastens her seat belt. Guo has just spent her summer vacation with a cousin in Beijing and is re-turning
home for the new school term. She is among a growing number of children, aged between 5and 12,
traveling on their own by air during their school holidays. Like Guo , many children make visits to see
family members , while others fly to attend vacation camps.
Guo first traveled all by herself when she was 7. At that time she had no idea about security
checks or what a boarding gate was. In the plane she was too to ask for a drink or a blanket.
Now, everything is different. She behaves naturally as if she is at home.
When Guo's flight returns from Shenzhen, it has two other children on the plane, 9-year-old He
Yinnan and 10-year-old Gong Hao. He, a beautiful little girl with large clear eyes,needs more help.
After finding out He feels sick , Ma Ning , an attendant, gives He a cup of water and suggests that she
takes a walk. "We try our best to become helpful 'aunts' for children," she said.
1. 判断正误(“T” 表示正确“F”表示错误)。
( ) Guo Yongyi is ten years old.
2 . 完成句子。
Many children are traveling around China by _______ on their own.
3. Why does Guo Yongyi retum to Shenzhen?
4. What does Ma Ning do?
5. 将文中画线句子译成汉语。
1. F
2. air / plane
3. Because she, ill study for the new school term.
4. She is an attendant.
5. 在飞机上,她太害羞了而不敢要一杯饮料或一条毯子。
(2-5 答案不唯一)