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Most people graduate from school and then get a job. Everyone wants a job that pays well. How much money can you make? Ask yourself these questions: What can I do? What skills do I have? Also ask yourself: How much education do I have? For most jobs, the higher your education, the higher your earning power.

In the United States, high school graduates make about $ 18,600 a year. If you do not finish high school, you make only $10,800 a year. You can make $7,800 more each year by staying in high school!

If you stay in school, then you can make more money. A person with a high school degree makes about $18,600 a year. If that person goes to college and gets a bachelor’s degree(学士学位), he can make S42,000. With a master’s degree (硕士学位), he can make about $53,000. If the person gets a PhD(博士学位), he can make almost $79,000 or more a year.

We can learn a very important, thing from this information. If you want to work and make more money, get a good education.

小题1:The passage mainly talks about_.

A.how education and pay are connected

B.high paying jobs

C.jobs for high school students

D.good schools小题2:According to (根据) the passage, "earning power" means the ability to _____ money.




D.make小题3:The writer thinks that a high school graduate usually makes more money than_.

A.a university graduate

B.a person who gets a PhD

C.a person who only finishes primary school

D.a person with a master’s degree小题4:Each year a person with a PhD can make more than a person who does not finishhigh school.




D.$26,000小题5:From the last paragraph(段落) we know that______.

A.a high school degree is not important

B.university is too expensive

C.a person can make more money with a good education

D.people with a degree don’t need to worn about finding jobs







小题1:主旨题:从第一段的句子:For most jobs, the higher your education, the higher your earning power.可知教育和报酬是相关的,答案是A

小题1:猜词题:从第一段的句子:How much money can you make?可知earn power是挣钱的能力,答案是D

小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:high school graduates make about $ 18,600 a year. If you do not finish high school, you make only $10,800 a year可知高中生比初中生挣的钱多,答案是C

小题1:细节题:从第三段的句子:If the person gets a PhD(博士学位), he can make almost $79,000 or more a year. 和第二段的句子:If you do not finish high school, you make only $10,800 a year.可知博士学位的人和没有上完高中的人比,多$68,200,答案是B

小题1:细节题:从最后一段的句子:If you want to work and make more money, get a good education.可知有了好的教育,就可以挣更多的钱,答案是C


It is 15 years since Moises Naim coined the memoraible phrase "corruption eruption". But there is no sign of the eruption dying down. Indeed, there is so much molten lava and sulphurous ash around that some of the world’s biggest companies have been covered in it. Siemens and Daimler have recently been forced to pay gargantuan fines. BHP Billiton has admitted that it may have been involved in bribery. America’s Department of Justice is investigating some 150 companies, targeting oil and drugs firms in particular.
The ethical case against corruption is too obvious to need spelling out. But many companies still believe that, in this respect at least, there is a regrettable tension between the dictates of ethics and the logic of business. Bribery is the price that you must pay to enter some of the world’s most difficult markets (the "when in Rome" argument). Bribery can also speed up the otherwise glacial pace of bureaucracy (the "efficient grease" hypothesis). And why not The chances of being caught are small while the rewards can be big and immediate.
But do you really have to behave like a Roman to thrive in Rome Philip Nichols, of the Wharton School, points out that plenty of Western firms have prospered in emerging markets without getting their hands dirty, including Reebok, Google and Novo Nor disk. IKEA has gone to great lengths to fight corruption in Russia. What is more, Mr Nichols argues, it is misguided to dismiss entire countries as corrupt. Even the greasiest-palmed places are in fact ambivalent about corruption: they invariably have laws against it and frequently produce politicians who campaign against it. Multinationals should help bolster the rules of the game rather than pandering to the most unscrupulous players.
And is "grease" really all that efficient In a paper published by the World Bank, the authors subjected the "efficient grease" hypothesis to careful scrutiny. They found that companies that pay bribes actually end up spending more time negotiating with bureaucrats. The prospect of a pay-off gives officials an incentive to haggle over regulations. The paper also found that borrowing is more expensive for corrupt companies.
The hidden costs of corruption are almost always much higher than companies imagine. Corruption inevitably begets ever more corruption. Corruption also exacts a high psychological cost on those who engage in it. Mr Nichols says that corrupt business people habitually compare their habit to having an affair: no sooner have you given in to temptation than you are trapped in a world of secrecy and guilt. On the other hand, the benefits of rectitude can be striking. Oil giant Texaco had such an incorruptible reputation that African border guards were said to wave its jeeps through without engaging in the ritual shakedown. Moreover, the likelihood of being caught is dramatically higher than it was a few years ago. The internet has handed much more power to whistle-blowers. Every year Transparency International publishes its Corruption Perceptions Index, and its Global Corruption Barometer.
The likelihood of prosecution is also growing. The Obama administration has revamped the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and is using it to pursue corporate malefactors the world over. The Department of Justice is pursuing far more cases than it ever has before. Recent legislation has made senior managers personally liable for corruption on their watch. They risk a spell in prison as well as huge fines. The vagueness of the legislation means that the authorities may prosecute for lavish entertainment as well as more blatant bribes.
America is no longer a lone ranger. Thirty-eight countries have now signed up to the OECD’s 1997 anti-corruption convention, leading to a spate of cross-border prosecutions. In February Britain’s BAE Systems, a giant arms company, was fined $ 400m as a result of a joint British and American investigation. Since then a more ferocious Bribery Act has come into force in Britain. On April 1st Daimler was fined $185m as a result of a joint American and German investigation which examined the firm’s behaviour in 22 countries.
Companies caught between these two mighty forces--the corruption and anti-corruption eruptions--need to start taking the problem seriously. A Transparency International study of 500 prominent firms revealed that the average company only scored 17 out of a possible 50 points on "anti-corruption practices. " Companies need to develop explicit codes of conduct on corruption, train their staff to handle demands for pay-offs and back them up when they refuse them. Clubbing together and campaigning for reform can also help.
This may all sound a bit airy-fairy given that so many companies are struggling just to survive the recession. But there is nothing airy-fairy about the $16 billion in fines that Siemens has paid to the American and German governments. And there is nothing airy-fairy about a spell in prison. The phrase "doing well by doing good" is one of the most irritating parts of the CSR mantra. But when it comes to corruption, it might just fit the bill.

1.Explain the sentence "Indeed, there is so much molten lava and sulphurous ash around that some of the world’s biggest companies have been covered in it. "(para. 1)