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在物业管理活动中,物业服务企业与业主之间基于物业服务合同形成交易关系。双方交易的标的物是( )。








某市政设施工程全部由政府投资兴建。该项目为该省建设规划的重点项目之一,且已列入地方年度固定投资计划,概算已经主管部门批准,征地工作尚未全部完成,施工图纸及有关技术资料齐全。现决定对该项目进行施工招标。招标人在国家级报刊发布招标公告。因估计除本市施工企业参加投标外,还可能有外省市施工企业参加投标,故招标人委托咨询单位编制了两个标底,准备分别用于对本省和外省市施工企业投标价的评定。招标人于2004年8月5日向具备承担该项目能力的A、B、C、D、E五家承包商发出资格预审合格通知书,其中说明,8月10日~11日在招标人总工程师室领取招标文件,9月5日14时为投标截止时间。该五家承包商均领取了招标文件。8月18日招标人对投标单位就招标文件提出的所有问题统一作了书面答复,随后组织各投标单位进行了现场踏勘。9月5日这五家承包商均按规定的时间提交了投标文件。但承包商A在送出投标文件后发现报价估算有较严重的失误,遂赶在投标截止时间前半小时递交了一份书面声明,撤回已提交的投标文件。 开标时,由招标人委托的市公证处人员检查投标文件的密封情况,确认无误后,由工作人员当众拆封。由于承包商A已撤回投标文件,故招标人宣布有B、C、D、E四家承包商投标,并宣读该四家承包商的投标价格、工期和其他主要内容。 评标委员会委员由招标人直接确定,共由7人组成,其中招标人代表2人,技术专家3人,经济专家2人。 按照招标文件中确定的综合评标标准,4个投标人综合得分从高到低的依次顺序为B、C、D、E,故评标委员会确定承包商B为中标人。由于承包商B为外地企业,招标人于9月8日将中标通知书寄出,承包商B于9月18日收到中标通知书。最终双方于10月13日签订了书面合同。 问题: 1.《招标投标法》中规定的招标方式有哪几种 2.该工程若采用邀请招标方式是否违反有关规定为什么 3.从招标投标的性质看,本案例中的要约邀请、要约和承诺的具体表现是什么 4.招标人对投标单位进行资格预审应包括哪些内容 5.根据《招标投标法》的有关规定,判断该项目在招标投标过程中有哪些不妥之处并说明理由。


What’s in a surname You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you (1) . Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now A research project (2) in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are (3) .
"Smith", for example, remains the most common surname in Britain. Used by (4) people, it has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. "Jones" is (5) , and is the most common among hill farmers (6) .
The data used for this project comes partly (7) . A number of other files are held by Expairing, which is probably Britain’s (8) .
There’ re some of us who are fairly predictable. "Campbell", for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated (9) , and it appears really bizarre to be found anywhere else.
Well, with 25,000 names as (10) , what you can do is put them in general categories, if, for example, you look at (11) . Like the name Webber, you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than (12) . If you go to Wales, most people get their names (13) . And in Yorkshire for example, a lot of people have names (14) that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did.
Well, we only have 25, 000 names on this website, but there’re (15) now found in Britain and they’ re particularly interesting, for (16) . Most British names are fairly common. And about what we can now do as such is look for (17) from different parts of the world and different faiths, (18) . And what there is in names is actually extremely useful, for researchers in (19) may find a lot about (20) now living in this country.

What’s in a surname You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you (1) . Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now A research project (2) in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are (3) .
"Smith", for example, remains the most common surname in Britain. Used by (4) people, it has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. "Jones" is (5) , and is the most common among hill farmers (6) .
The data used for this project comes partly (7) . A number of other files are held by Expairing, which is probably Britain’s (8) .
There’ re some of us who are fairly predictable. "Campbell", for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated (9) , and it appears really bizarre to be found anywhere else.
Well, with 25,000 names as (10) , what you can do is put them in general categories, if, for example, you look at (11) . Like the name Webber, you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than (12) . If you go to Wales, most people get their names (13) . And in Yorkshire for example, a lot of people have names (14) that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did.
Well, we only have 25, 000 names on this website, but there’re (15) now found in Britain and they’ re particularly interesting, for (16) . Most British names are fairly common. And about what we can now do as such is look for (17) from different parts of the world and different faiths, (18) . And what there is in names is actually extremely useful, for researchers in (19) may find a lot about (20) now living in this country.