下列划线字注音全对的一项是[ ]
A、汲取(jī) 睿智(ruì) 统筹(chóu) 探骊得珠(lì)
B、静谧(mì) 遐想(xiá) 嗤笑(chī) 锲而不舍(qì)
C、栖息(xī) 陨落(yǔn) 焙烧(bèi) 面面相觑(qù)
D、旁骛(wù) 瞥见(piē) 嗔怪(chēn) 生活拮据(jū)
下列划线字注音全对的一项是[ ]
A、汲取(jī) 睿智(ruì) 统筹(chóu) 探骊得珠(lì)
B、静谧(mì) 遐想(xiá) 嗤笑(chī) 锲而不舍(qì)
C、栖息(xī) 陨落(yǔn) 焙烧(bèi) 面面相觑(qù)
D、旁骛(wù) 瞥见(piē) 嗔怪(chēn) 生活拮据(jū)
根据对话情景,有两个选项多余。 | |
M: __1__ W: Do you know how long it takes to get there? M: Yes. __2__ W: Can you tell me something about the reservation? M: Well, it's an area that protects lots of different animals. W: What kinds of animals can we see there? M: __3__ I only know that there are many different kinds there. W: I'm sure there will be some interesting animals there. I'll take my camera with me. M: __4__ Should we take an umbrella? W: I don't think so.__5__ M: Well, see you tomorrow then. |