问题 阅读理解与欣赏


(1)《阿Q正传》选自鲁迅的小说集       ,作者概括的阿Q主要性格特征是     


(2)古代诗文写景各有特点,李白写蜀道山水,“连峰去天不盈尺,               ,” 以山川之险提示蜀道之难,杜甫写景既有“舍南舍北皆春水,             ”的清新自然,也有“                 ,乾坤日夜浮”的雄浑阔大,而孟浩然则任“野旷天低树,江清月近人”写出了朦胧而明净,深远而静谧的意境。

(3)尽吾志也而不能至者,可以无悔矣,             ?(王安石《游褒禅山记》)

(4)                 ,身死人手,为天下笑者,何也?                    


(1)《呐喊》  精神胜利法  

(2)枯松倒挂倚绝壁 但见群鸥日日来  吴楚东南坼


(4)一夫作难而七庙隳  仁义不施而攻守之势异也



                                                          Peter and the Wolf

       This is a story about a brave boy. His name was Peter. Peter and his grandfather lived in a house

next to the woods. In the summer, Peter liked to play outside with the animals. They were his friends.

       In the winter, Peter didn’t play outside. His grandfather was worried. A wolf lived in the woods.

Grandfather said, “The wolf can’t find food in the winter. A hungry wolf can eat a boy!”

       One cold day, Peter wanted to go outside. He wanted to find the wolf. “I’m stronger than a

wolf, ”he said. “I’m going to catch the wolf.”

       Peter went outside. He walked in the woods. He heard a sound! “The wolf!” he shouted.

       “No,” said Sasha the Bird. “I’m not the wolf. I am your friend.”

       Peter wasn’t afraid now. He and Sasha walked in the woods. They heard a sound! “The wolf!”

they shouted.

       “No,” said Ivan the Cat. “I’m not the wolf. I’m your friend.”

       Peter and Sasha weren’t afraid now. The friends walked in the woods. They heard a sound!

“The wolf!” they shouted.

       “No,” said Sonia the Duck. “I’m not the wolf. I’m your friend.”

       Peter, Sasha, Ivan, and Sonia walked in the woods. They heard a sound. “The wolf!” they


       A big wolf jumped in front of the friends. “I’m the wolf!” it said, “I’m bigger than a bird.

I’m wilder than a duck. I’m scarier than a cat. I’m stronger than a boy. And I’m very, very,


       The wolf jumped! Sasha the Bird flew into a tree. Ivan the Cat climbed the tree. Peter ran behind

the tree. Peter threw a rope around the wolf. “Sonia,” he shouted. “Where are you?” Did the

wolf eat Sonia?

       Then Sonia flew to Peter. “Here I am,” she said. “I was faster than the wolf.”

       Peter was happy. He caught the wolf, and his friends were safe.

      Good afternoon! My Chinese   1   is Jia Jia. My   2   name is Lily. I am a student(学生) of a

middle school in Beijing. I am in   3   One,   4   One.  5   Gao is my English teacher. I like her. Welcome

to Beijing!
