问题 填空题



(2)若A能与NaHCO3溶液反应放出CO2气体,其结构可能有          种。

(3)若A与NaOH溶液在加热时才能较快反应,且1molA消耗1mol NaOH,则A的所有可能的结构简式是                                             

(4)若A与NaOH溶液在加热时才能较快反应,且1mol A消耗2mol NaOH,则符合条件的A的结构可能有        种,其中不能发生银镜反应的物质的结构简式是:          


(共8份)(1) C8H8O2。2分(2)  4 种。

(3)  C6H5COOCH3。2分

(4)  4 种,1分     CH3COOC6H5 。2分

题目分析:(1)根据题意得:n(C)=150×70.6%÷12≈8,n(H) =150×5.9%÷1≈8,n(O) =150×(1-70.6%-5.9%)÷16≈2。故A的分子式是C8H8O2



(4)A与NaOH溶液在加热时才能较快反应,且1mol A消耗2mol NaOH,表明分子中含有酯基,结构可能有4种,不能发生银镜反应的物质的结构简式是CH3COOC6H5


We’ve all been hurt by another person at one time or another. This pain causes problems. It not only causes us to be unhappy, but can ruin relatioships, distract(使分心) us from work and family and other important things, make us unwilling to open up new things.
We need to learn to let go. We need to be able to forgive, so we can move on and be happy. Forgiveness does not mean you erase the past, or forget what has happened. All it means is that you are letting go of the anger and pain, and moving on to a better place.
It’s not easy, but you can learn to do it.
Think about the advantages and disadvanges. Think of all the problems this pain causes you, and realize you need to change. Then think of the benefits of forgiveness—— how it will make you happier, free you from the past and the pain, and improve your relationships and life in general.
Try to put yourself in that person’s situation. Try to understand why the person did what he did. What could he have felt as he did it, and what did he feel afterward? How does he feel now? You aren’t saying what he did is right, but are trying to understand instead.
Understand your responsibility. Try to figure out how you could have been partly responsible for what happened. This isn’t to say you’re taking all the blame, or taking responsibility away from the other person, but to realize that we are not victims but participants in life.
Allow peace to enter your life. As you focus on the present, try focusing on your breathing. Imagine each breath going out is the pain and the past, and imagine each breath coming in is peace, entering you and filling you up.
Title: How to let go and forgive
65. _____ caused by being hurt
Making us unhappy; distracting from daily life;
Ruining relationships; making us close to new things.
Definition of forgiveness
Letting go of the 66.______
Moving on to a better place.
Benefits of forgiveness
Making you happier;
67.______ from the past and the pain;
Improving your relationships and life in general
Thinking about the advantages and disavantages;
Trying to understand the other person as if you were in the same situation;
Figuring out 69._____
Allowing peace to enter your life.