巡警的建立与工作,既是公安工作由静态管理走向动态管理的新举措,也是密切警民联系的新途径。( )
小题1:People in that city are doing their best to (保护) their cultural relics.
小题2:I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air (污染).
小题3:We’ll use up all the coal underground. We have to develop new kinds of (能源).
小题4:What are the (优势) of having a mobile phone?
小题5:According to the weather report, a snow storm is (可能的) to come this weekend.
小题6:I am just (好奇的) about what would be the end of the story.
小题7:All the teachers thought (高度) of the boy’s performance at the speech contest.
小题8:The painter looked so (疲倦的) after working for a whole day.
小题9:It’s quite difficult to (说服) my father to give up smoking.
小题10: (渐渐地), he got used to the life abroad.
[说明] 设一个环上有编号为0~n-1的n粒颜色不尽相同的珠子(每粒珠子颜色用字母表示,n粒珠子的颜色由输入的字符串表示)。从环上的某两粒珠子间剪开,则环上珠子形成一个序列然后按以下规则从序列中取走珠子:首先从序列左端取走所有连续的同色珠子; 然后从序列右端在剩下的珠子中取走所有连续的同色珠子,两者之和为该剪开处可取走珠子的粒数。在不同位置剪开,能取走的珠子也不尽相同。 本程序所求的是在环上哪个位置剪开,按上述规则可取走的珠子粒数最多。程序中用数组存储字符串。例如:10粒珠子颜色对应字符串为“aaabbbadcc”,在0号珠子前剪开,序列为aaabbbadcc,从左端取走3粒a色珠子,从右端取走2粒c色珠子,共取走5粒珠子。若在3号珠子前剪开,即bbbadccaaa,共取走6粒珠子。 [函数] int count (char *s,int start,int end) int i,c=0, color=s[start],step=(start>end)-1:1; for i=start; s[i] ==color; i+=step) if (step>0 && i>end || (1) ) break; (2) ; return c: void main()char t,s[120]; int i,j,c,len,maxc,cut=0; printf("请输入环上代表不同颜色珠子字符串:"); scanf("%s”,s); len=strlen(s); for (i=maxc=0; i<len; i++)( /*尝试不同的剪开方式*/ c=count (s, 0,len-1); if(c<len) c+=count( (3) ); if (c>maxc)cut=i; maxc=c; /*数组s的元素循环向左移动一个位置*/ t=s[0]; for(j=1; j<len; j++) (4) ; (5) ; printf("在第%d号珠子前面剪开,可以取走%d个珠子.\n",cut,maxc);