问题 默写题





④2005年4月,中 * * * * 胡 * * 在接见国民党 * * 连战大陆访问团时,引用了《论语六则》中的“___________________,_____________”表达对他们到来的欢迎之情。

⑤曹操的《观沧海》中通过描绘大海吞吐日月星辰的雄伟景象,抒发自己建功立业的愿望的句子是 __________________________________,______________________________。

⑥李白在《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中寄情与月,表达了对朋友关切之情的诗句是 _______________________,________________________

⑦我们常用王勃的《送杜少府之任蜀州》中的诗句来表达朋友之间深挚的友情,这句诗是 _________________________,_________________________。

⑧杜甫的《望岳》中表达诗人宽广的胸怀和远大的抱负的句子是 __________________________,_____________________________。



②乡音无改鬓毛衰 ;君向潇湘我向秦









     Steve Ballmer is always exciting, as he was this time in front of over 2,000 students from Qinghua

University and Beijing University.

     Ballmer, president (总裁) of Microsoft Corp., received a warm welcome at Qinghua University when he

gave a talk on the next generation (一代) of the Internet on September 19th. He came to China last week for

a two-day visit, during which he slept only four hours and had many meetings with government officials (政府官员) and men of business. After all those business matters, he came to Qinghua and was asked thousands

of questions from the excited students.

     Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in 1980, is the first business manager hired (聘用) by Bill Gates, a

schoolmate of Ballmer at Harvard. Gates first dropped out of school to start Microsoft and Ballmer was still

studying, but he also gave up his studies and joined Bill Gates' five-year-old Microsoft in 1980.

     In his talk to the students, Ballmer described what the Internet will bring to their life. He said there are

several hundred Qinghua graduates now working or being trained at Microsoft both in China and in the US.

He also warned the students not to drop out of school and follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself.

1. Ballmer gave a talk on ___________ at Qinghua.

A. the future of the Internet

B. how to use the software made in his company

C. what computers will bring to universities

D. his own experience from Harvard to Microsoft

2. It seemed that Ballmer came to China mainly ___________.

A. to meet some government officials

B. to give a talk at Qinghua University

C. to manage business matters

D. to visit places of interest

3. He encouraged Chinese students ___________.

A. to work for Microsoft in China or in America

B. to follow the examples of Bill Gates and himself

C. to work on software

D. to go on and finish their college education

4. From the passage we know Steve Ballmer ___________.

A. graduated from Harvard University

B. asked the students a lot of questions

C. is president of Microsoft Corp

D. started Microsoft Corp. in 1980
