问题 填空题
area   because   help   means   its   during   better   answer   new
     What's the most popular school activity among American students? The 1_______ is the school dance.
Most American high schools have at least two dances 2_______ the year, one in winter and the other in spring.
Students attend these events 3_______ it's a great opportunity for them to meet _______ friends.
     At the dance, there will be snacks and photo booths (机器拍照亭), as well as strict (严格的) rules to
4_______ create a healthy and enjoyable evening for all students. And all the dancers will be given a security
check (安检) before they come into the dance 5_______. This is acceptable. But some rules may be a little bit
over the top (过分). For example, a school once asked 7_______ students to keep a standing position while
they were dancing. That 8_______ the students couldn't do anything freely. You'd 9_______ not break the rules
because you'll be asked to leave there, or even worse, be placed on a do not invite list.

1. answer   2. during   3. because   4. new  5. help

6. area   7. its   8. means   9. better



材料一 克里米亚战争的失败对俄罗斯的民族主义者和斯拉夫派来说是一个严重打击,因为与许多事先就警告俄罗斯会因其没能跟上西方的脚步而即将遭到失败的西欧派人不同,斯拉夫派人则很有信心地预言俄罗斯专制制度的优越性将会导致一场可与1812年对拿破仑的胜利相媲美的胜利。实际上,这场失败暴露了旧制度的腐败和落后。


材料二 “百日维新”虽然失败了,但它毕竟触动了传统中国政治体制,为现代国家的建立作出了有益尝试。以后发生的历次革命运动,从现代化的进程看,都与戊戌变法有着历史的连续性。也正因为如此,史学界才会把戊戌变法视作近代中国现代化进程的起点。



材料三 在明治维新期间,我们发现了一个奇特的现象。一方面日本全面学习西方,从军事.技术.政治体制一直到生活习惯,日本的精英阶层善于学习,全力促进日本的现代化和西化;另外一方面明治政府在改革过程中出现了许多矛盾和不符合西方现代化模式的改革措施,其改革过程中融入了大量日本本身的传统和文化的因素。






