问题 单项选择题

阅读下面短文,回答下 * * 道题。
黄河是我国第二大河,也是世界上屈指可数的名川。她从巴颜喀拉山北麓起步,接纳千溪百川,一路浩浩荡荡,奔腾东流,经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东等九个省区,注入浩瀚的大海,全长5 464千米,流域面积75万多平方千米,像
在古代,黄河流域的自然环境是很优越的。那时节,这里的气候温暖湿润,土地肥沃,到处是青山绿野,植物种类繁多,为原始人类的生存提供了有利的条件。殷代以后黄河中下游流域成为我国开发最早的地区,经济发展,人口繁衍较快,政治、文化也比较先进。因此,黄河流域成为中 * * 的摇篮。
相传中 * * 的始祖——黄帝出生在黄河中游,他和他的族系主要活动的区域也在黄河中游。后来建立夏、商、周王朝的国君都是他的后裔。他们自称“华”(或“夏”),聚居在中原地区,人们认为“中原”位居四方之中,所以后世又称为“中华”。后来“中华”又成了整个中国的代称。
黄河孕育了中 * * 的古代文化,是古代文明的发祥地之一。在新石器时代中期,黄帝族就已开始使用彩陶。从河南渑池仰韶、西安半坡村等地发掘的古文化遗址中,可以见到大约5000年前即新石器时代中期人们使用的简陋的木、石农具。木结构房屋,储粮的窖穴,还有各式各样的陶器,其中带有人面、鱼、鹿等图案的彩陶相当精美,反映了中 * * 历史的悠久和艺术的高超。这种文化被称为“仰韶文化”或“彩陶文化”。
我国历史上七大古都中的安阳、西安、洛阳和开封,都在黄河流域。以古都长安为中心的唐代文化,曾是当时世界文化的高峰,影响着世界各国,尤其是亚洲邻国的文化。黄河,以丰富的乳汁,哺育了中 * * ,而中 * * 的优秀儿女在她的身旁辛勤劳动,创造了光辉灿烂的古代文化。黄河,不愧是中 * * 的摇篮,我国文化的发源地。





D.说明黄河是中 * * 的摇篮



解析: “说明黄河是中 * * 的摇篮”是第二段的内容。

A trip to the bookstore with my granddaughter is always a big event. She __36__ in it for hours, touching the books, running her hands over the covers, looking at a few ___37___ here and looking at a few pages there.
I never ___38__ the full importance my five-year-old Grand Angel placed on these trips, until the day I suggested she pick the book she liked best, __39____ we could go home for dinner. Her response(答复) was __40___.
“But Grammy, I ___41___ them all the best. All the covers are be-yoo-tiful and all the pictures are bee-yoo-tiful and they’re all __42___. Just like people. Remember when you told me about people?”
I most certainly __43___ when I told her about people. I had explained that we are all __44___ in our own different way. Each of us has a story to ___45___ and no two stories are similar. We learn by ____46__ our stories and listening to the stories of others. Difference is the thing that makes each and every one of us __47___. I had no idea that she’d connected the lesson with ___48___. Actually, no one book was ___49___ than any other book. They were equally beautiful and equally special(特别的).
With dinner still ___50___ and our stomachs beginning to make noise, ___51___ time was finally at hand. But how to choose? I suddenly ___52___ the right question when I asked, “Which book wants to go home the most with you today?” After a short moment of ___53___, her eyes lit up. She ran to a specific book and ___54___ it from its place on the shelf. The main __55____ was the picture on the cover, a turtle with sad eyes. “We need to find out why the turtle is sad,” she said.