问题 问答题

案情:花都市某单位退休干部区礼华退休后在郊区的老家建了一处宅院,在那里安度晚年。后来区礼华于1993年2月病逝,所建宅院由他的三个儿子区绍宽、区绍厚、区绍富继承。三兄弟在市区住房都很宽裕,就商量把郊区的宅院卖掉。龙家兄弟龙甲和龙乙愿意购买此房。于是,区家三兄弟与龙家两兄弟签订购房合同,约定龙家兄弟交付现金2万元。龙、区两家在达成协议后到房管部门办理了房屋过户手续。因为龙家一时凑不出2万元现金,双方又约定2个月后交付。2个月时间到了,龙家没有给钱,又过了4个月,区家兄弟多次催促龙甲,龙甲推辞说自己没钱,让他们向龙乙索要房款,并说明龙乙正做生意,手头有现金可付款。区家兄弟向龙乙索款又未果,区家三兄弟于是分别以龙乙为被告向同一法院起诉要求还款。法院受理后,认为区家三兄弟应为共同原告,将3人的起诉合并审理。在审理过程中,因区绍富出差在外,龙乙便与区绍宽、区绍厚在法院主持下达成调解协议,由龙乙支付 18000元作为购房款给区家兄弟。调解书送达区绍富时,其以当时自己不在场,调解未经其同意为由而拒收,仍坚持要求被告按2万元支付。



参考答案:[参考答案:及解析] 法院将三人的起诉合并审理的做法是正确的。因为区家三兄弟起诉的诉讼标的都是出自于同一法律关系,即双方当事人之间的房屋买卖合同,所以本案属于当事人双方都为二人以上且标的是共同的诉讼,即必要共同诉讼,必要的共同诉讼是不可分之诉,人民法院必须合并审理。

On a good night when there is no Moon and the air is clear, only up to 4,000 or so stars can be seen by the unaided eye. From ancient times star – watchers have tried to bring some order into the sky by fitting the stars into patterns. The constellations (星座) to which names were given.
Observation of the night sky every few hours shows that in the northern hemisphere(半球) the stars appear to turn anticlockwise (逆时针方向) about a point near the Pole Star. As they turn, the stars keep the same positions in relation to each other, and in fact the appearance of the constellations has changed very little over the centuries. Like the Sun and Moon, the stars have a daily journey across the sky, rising upwards in the east and setting in the west – due to the Earth’s daily spin. The Circumpolar Stars, those near the Pole Star, are an exception to this; they are so close to the pole that they never disappear below the horizon (地平线) Although the stars always rise in the same places they do not do so at the same time every day. They rise about 4 minutes earlier each day since the Earth is progressing in its orbit around the Sun; in almost but not exactly a year they again rise and set at the same time. If a certain star is seen to rise in the east exactly when the Sun sets on a particular day, a few weeks later it will be seen well above the eastern horizon at sunset.
58.Which do you think is the best title of the passage above?
A.The Earth, the Moon and the Stars.       B.Motion of the Stars.
C.How to Watch the Stars.                       D.Appearance of the Stars.

59.Which of the following descriptions cannot be shown in the picture?

A.The Circumpolar stars never disappear below the horizon.
B.The relative position of the stars in a constellation remains more or less the same as they move.
C.Stars appear to turn about a point near the Pole Star.
D.Stars appear to turn anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere.
60.From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.scientists can observe only up to 4,000 stars on a clear night
B.every day the stars always rise in the same place at the same time
C.thousands of years later, people may have to rename the constellations as the positions of the stars in them have changed
D.since the earth spins from the west to the east every day, most stars rise in the east and set in the west
61.Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.A fashion magazine                             B.A newspaper advertisement.
C.A science textbook.                              D.A collection of science fiction stories.