问题 综合


A._____                ______     B._____                 _____     C.____                   _______

D.__________                _     E.___________                


A.温带大陆性气候 B.温带季风气候 C.亚热带季风气候 D.热带季风气候 E.热带雨林气候


A  为温带大陆性气候,位于亚欧大陆内部,为亚洲分布最广的气候类型,B  温带季风气候和C  亚热带季风气候主要分布于亚洲东部沿海地区,D  为热带季风气候,主要位于中南半岛与印度半岛,E  热带雨林气候,主要分布于马来群岛上。  点评:本题还可以考查亚洲的位置:(1)  半球位置:主要在东半球、北半球(2)  海陆位置:东临太平洋;南望大洋洲临印度洋;西南接非洲;西接欧洲;北临北冰洋;东北望北美洲。(3)  经纬度位置:纬度100S  向北到850N  ,跨纬度约1000  。跨热带、北温带和北寒带。(4)  与临近大洲的界限:西边以乌拉尔山乌拉尔河里海大高加索山黑海土耳其海峡地中海与欧洲为界;西南以苏伊士运河与非洲为界;南与大洋洲隔海相望;东北以白令海峡与北美洲为界。世界第一大洲:(1)  面积最大 (2)  跨纬度最广,跨经度第二的大洲,(3)  东西距离最大。亚洲的气候特点:复杂多样,季风气候显著,大陆性气候分布广泛。气候类型:温带大陆性气候、温带季风气候、亚热带季风气候、热带季风气候、热带雨林气候、地中海式气候、亚热带和热带沙漠气候、寒带气候、高原山地气候等9  种,无温带海洋性气候,热带草原气候。季风气候显著的成因:亚洲背靠世界上最大的陆地亚欧大陆,濒临世界上最大的海洋太平洋,海陆热力差异显著,形成了世界上最典型的季风气候区。


The physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they couldn’t provide effective medical care to their patients without the help of numerous other medical employees. From the viewpoint of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact with patients as long as they are in the hospital.

A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. However, each must be equally dedicated. Caring tot sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses work long days, and they often must work at odd hours or during the night.

Under the supervision of the head nurse, the nursing staff must provide nursing services on 24-hour basis and attend to patients’ needs. This responsibility continues around the clock, and so nurses must work in shifts. A shift is a period of duty, usually eight in length. The nurses on the ward rotate their shifts. All of them work out of a central area on the ward called the nurses’ station.

A nurse must always be alert. She can never afford to be careless. This is true in all nursing situation, but it is especially true in the intensive care unit. Patients under intensive care duty have one of the most demanding jobs in the hospital.

Serving as a nurse can be a very. rewarding job. But it is not an easy one. Not every person is suited to become a nurse. Only very dedicated people have chosen nursing as a profession.

What kind of person is suited to become a nurse()

A.A very careful person.

B.An able person.

C.A very dedicated person.

D.A specially trained person.
