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     "Mother tells me that the most important is to study, and she almost never gives me any housework to do,

though I really want some," said Wang, a middle school student in Guangzhou, capital of South China's

Guangdong Province.

     A report says that most of Guangzhou teenagers (青少年) want to do more housework, but their parents

usually do not think so. According to (根据) the report, 37% of the teenagers do housework less than half an

hour every day; 39.4% of them from half an hour to one hour; 11.5% one to two hours; 5.6% over two hours;

and 6.2% just have"no" housework to do.

     "Most of my time after school should be spent on my homework, and I don't have time to play. Even on

weekends, my parents ask me to stay at home to study. I can't go to see a film, watch TV or play with other

children. My parents never say to me about anything to do with the housework. Sometimes I feel I have the

duty to do something to help my parents, but they just get everything done for me," said Yang Ming, a sixteen-

year-old student.

     Experts say this won't change much unless the College Entrance Examination, which adds much pressure (压力) on high school students, is changed.

1. Is Wang often asked to do housework?


2. What do most of Guangzhou teenagers want to do, according to the report?


3. How many students never have any housework to do?


4. What do most parents think is the most important for children?


5. 用短语或简洁的句子回答:

    What does Yang Ming like to spend his time doing after school? 



1. No, he/she isn't

2. They want to do housework./To do housework.

3. 6.2%(of the teenagers/students)

4. The most important is to study./To study.

5. In playing./In playing basketball…

    In going to see a film./In watching TV…

    In playing with other children.




材料一 面对严峻的形势,社会要求改革的呼声日益高涨,但官僚集团内部存在着巨大的分歧,在1068年底前后,王安石与司马光展开了一场针锋相对的争论。

(王)安石曰:“……且国用不足,非当世急务,所以不足者,以未得善理财故也。”光曰:“善理财者,不过头会箕敛尔。”安石曰:“不然,善理财者,民不加赋而国用足。”光曰:“天下安有此理?天地所生财货百物,不在民,则在官,彼设法夺民,其害乃甚于加赋!”                                               ——《宋史·司马光传》

材料二 元佑元年(1086年),王安石去世,司马光曾说:“介甫文章节义过人处甚多,……方今……不幸谢世,反复之徒必诋毁百端,……朝廷宜加厚礼,以振浮薄之风。”


材料三 南宋朱熹认为,王安石“以财利、兵革为先务,引用凶邪,排摈忠直,躁迫强戾,使天下之人,嚣然丧其乐生之心。卒之群 * * 肆虐,流毒四海。”





