Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you knew was in trouble-and was he? Have you ever
dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP(超感觉的知觉).
ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know
about events before they happen, or events that are happening some distance away.
Here's an example. A woman was ironing clothes. Suddenly she screamed, "My father is dead! I
saw him sitting in the chair!" Just then, a telegram came.
The woman's father died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.
There are thousands of stories like this one on record. Scientists are studying them t
o find out
what's behind these strange mental messages. Here's another
example-one of hundreds of dreams that have come true.
A man dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and a carriage came by. The driver
said, "There's room for one more." The man felt the driver seemed dead, so he ran away. The next day,
when the man was getting on a crowded bus, the bus driver said, "There's room for one more."
Then the man saw that the driver's face was the same face he had seen in the dream. He wouldn't
get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed!
Some people say stories like this are coincidences. Others, including some scientists, say that ESP
is real. From studies of ESP, we may someday learn more about the human mind.
1. According to the passage, the author believes that the sixth sense is ______.
A. in existence
B. imaginative
C. not real
D. impossible
2. What does ESP let people know?
A. About events before they happen.
B. About events after they happen.
C. About events that are happening some distance away.
D. Both A and C.
3. By studying ESP, scientists may get to ______.
A. learn how people tell lies
B. know more about human dreams
C. know more about human mind
D. learn how strange things happen
4. In the last paragraph, the underlined word "coincidences" probably means ______.
A. things that may not happen
B. things that happen in a dream
C. things that must happen
D. things that happen by accident
5. This passage is mainly about
A. the human dream
B. the sixth sense
C. the human mind
D. a crowded bus