问题 阅读理解


     Have you ever heard someone use the phrase"once in a blue moon"? People use this expression to

describe something that they do not do very often. For example, someone might say that he tries to

avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy, but will eat chocolate"once in a blue moon". Or

someone who does not usually like to go to the beach might say " I visit the shore once in a moon."

While many people use this phrase, not everyone knows the meaning behind it.

     The first thing to know is that the moon itself  is never really blue. This is just an expression fact, the

phrase "blue moon" has to do with the shape of  the moon, not the color.

     As the moon travels around the earth , it appears to change shape. We associate names with certain

shapes of the moon. For example, when we can see a small part of the moon is called a crescent moon.

A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a fingernail When we cannot see the moon at all, it is called

a new moon.

     When we can see the whole moon is called a full moon. Usually, there is only one full moon every

month. Sometimes , however will be two full moons in one month. When this happens, the second full

moon is called a moon".

     Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue moon every rare

event. This fact has led people to use the expression "once in a blue moon" to other very rare events in

their lives.

1. Which of the following would be a good example of using the phrase"once in a blue moon".

A. Simon often tells jokes. Simon tells jokes once in a blue moon.

B. Tom rarely remembers to do exercise. Tom does exercise once in a blue moon.

C. Mary likes to go shopping every weekend. Mary goes shopping once in a blue moon.

D. Cindy nates to stay up, but she stays up every day. Cindy stays up once in a blue moon.

2. When does a blue moon happen in nature?

A. When the moon has a blue moon.

B. When we cannot see the moon at all.

C. When there are two full moons in one month.

D. When we can only see a small part of the moon.

3. Which of the following is another example of something that has a shape?

A. The letter "O"

B. The letter "M"

C. The letter "H"

D. The letter "C"

4. How often will a blue moon happen over the next twenty years?

A. Once a year.            

B. Less than once a year.

C. More than once a year.  

D. At least twice a year.

5. What does the underlined part "This fact" in the last paragraph refer to (所指)?

A. A blue moon is a very rare event.

B. The moon appears to change shape.

C. The moon itself is never really blue.

D. A blue moon has to do with the shape of the moon.


1- 5 BCDBA


阅读下面的文章,完成16-19题。六 指 猴 墨中白侯六是新来为东家赶马车的,右手六指,护院的都笑称他六指猴。侯六也不恼,伸出手问:“像六指猴吗?”“六指猴是江洋大盗,你是给东家赶马车的。”说完,大伙善意地笑了。东家江大佬有钱,有钱的东家不住在泗州城。东家喜欢住在五里城的凤凰墩。凤凰墩背靠九座梅花山,西临拦山河,东边一条大道直通南边的泗州城。东家爱去泗州城听戏。东家听完泗州戏,侯六就陪他去梅岭茶馆。东家和众玩家边品茶,边玩赏古玉。众玩家要看东家腰上的玉。东家掏出洁白的手帕,用嘴吹吹,才解下玉放在上面。只见手帕上的蟠螭,圆眼怒睁,细眉飞扬,脚爪上翘,胛骨尽显,活泼有趣。众人夸:“好玉。”侯六却在旁边大碗喝着茶,喝完,就到泗州大街上逛。东家品足了茶,侯六准时套好马车等他。坎坷道,马车如履平地。东家喜欢坐在车上眯着双眼哼着泗州戏,回味着茶馆玩玉时的惬意。到家,东家拎起长衫下车,侯六就看到他腰带上那只活泼的蟠螭。东家有钱,可有钱的东家人不坏。东家喜欢拿出白花花的银子救济乡邻。侯六常听人夸,东家是善人。侯六拴好马,路过东家房时,就听东家和老婆说:“侯六人不小了,是该成家了……”侯六听后心一热,父母去世,无人再关心自己。泗州大街,仁义当铺。黑衣人闪身进屋。老板贾仁义低声问:“玉呢?大人催要。”黑衣人说: “盗不来。”“没有你偷不来的宝贝,否则告知官府,丢的不仅是玉,还有多人的性命!”黑衣人不回答,抛下酬金,飞跃离去,眨眼钻进黑夜里。天亮,府衙有人投案,声称自己是大盗六指猴。师爷马皮金一看是马夫侯六,笑说:“你手长六手指,就是六指猴?”“我是六指猴,为东家赶车,实是想偷他的玉。”马皮金只好向吴知府禀报。吴知府听后,说:“通知江大佬,让他看着办吧。”马皮金把知府的话转告给东家,临别小声叮嘱:“大人的嘴,大着呢!”东家忙带上金银赶到府衙。看着满眼的金银,吴知府叹道:“你有钱心善,好人呀,可好人如何会让飞贼赶车呢,要追究……”吴知府眯着小眼盯着东家的腰间。东家取下玉佩递过去,说:“一个赶马的怎会是大盗哟?”马皮金忙上前接玉,旁边的吴知府就怪怨说:“好好马车不赶,非说是飞贼,自己的命贱,也不为主人着想,再说,他真是六指猴,怎敢自己找上门来?这些下人呀,醉酒后,全是醉话!”东家忙谢过知府,刚把侯六带走,贾仁义就求见吴知府说:“真是六指猴呀。”吴知府笑道:“抓了六指猴,还会有七指猴八指猴,那么多飞贼抓得完吗?要的是玉!”看着吴知府把玩着圆眼怒睁的蟠螭,贾仁义连赞:“大人高明!”侯六得知东家用古玉救他,跪谢说:“我不配。”东家伸手拉起他说:“玉是宝,可活人更是宝哩!”侯六说:“不能再为您赶马了。”转身欲去。东家也不挽留,说:“走正道吧!路平整,好走!”六指猴点头,飞身上了大路。平原大道,晨光如金。东家坐着马车去泗州城,路遇一老者,停车,让其坐。老者摘去胡须,是侯六。侯六感慨地说:“东家的善心无处不在呀。”双手递来一玉。东家见是那块活泼有趣的蟠螭,摇头叹说:“何必呢!”侯六说:“东家放心,他们无可奈何,日后还会尊敬您呢!”看着东家一脸莫名,侯六笑着跃到马后,接过马鞭说:“再为您赶一趟吧。”望着飞舞马鞭的侯六,东家仿佛看到自己年轻时的影子。侯六走了,东家再也没有他的消息。东家不明白,古玉被盗,官府也不追问,吴知府对他尊敬如宾,像是他偷了自己的古玉。东家进城时还爱听泗州戏,去梅岭茶馆。东家品茶时,听茶客们说,江湖上有一飞侠,专盗贪官金银救济穷人,飞侠盗金银,还拿他们记录贪污的私账簿儿……听着,听着,东家会猛喝一口茶,他希望飞侠是六指猴,却又为侯六捏着把汗。 (本文有改动)






