问题 阅读理解


     The dog of the future (未来) is here, and you don't need to feed it or walk it behind it. The dog's

name is AIBO, and it is a robot( 机器人). It is the cleverest (聪明) robot in the world. It's also more

expensive than a real dog.

     AIBO is a robot. That means it has different feelings, and it can learn new things. Sony made AIBO.

He said he wanted the robot dog to bring man and robots closer together. He hoped it could be a useful

friend of man.

     AIBO "talks" with others using different sounds. AIBO has different colored lights in its eyes. It uses

them for talking. When its eyes turn red,it means"n0". Bright green eyes means "yes". It can also show its

feelings through (通过) body language. Like real dogs, when AIBO is happy,it wags its tail (摇尾巴).

Give AIBO a little smack (击打) on the head and AIBO will know it has done something wrong.

     AIBO can learn things faster than man. It can read and remember things. It call learn and sing songs.

It can also learn to dance.


1. What does AIBO do when it is happy?


2. How can we let AIBO know that it has done something wrong?


3. Why did Sony make AIBO?


4. Which is cheaper, AIBO or a real dog?


5. What color do AIBO's eyes turn when it means "no"?



1. It wags its tail.

2. We can ) Give AIBO a little smack on the head.

3. He wanted the robot dog to bring man and robot closer together./ Because Sony wanted it

    to bring man and robot closer together.

4. A real dog ( is).

5. (They turn) red.

