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B市盗版活动猖獗,音像制品市场非常混乱。2001年10月,B市市委作出了“严厉打击盗版活动,迎接中国加入WTO”的红头文件。根据市委文件的精神,B市H区组成了公安局、文化局、工商局、税务局联合执法小组,负责打击本市盗版活动。2001年10月11日,联合执法小组接到市民举报,来到H区文化大街的一家店名为“精彩世界”的音像制品商店进行突击检查,结果查获盗版、淫秽光盘500余张。检查小组制作检查笔录后,未交由店主张某签字。联合执法小组随即当场作出了吊销营业执照、罚款2万元的行政处罚决定,决定书上有公安局、文化局、工商局、税务局四家单位的公章。张某要求举行听证,执法人员却说:“你找市委书记去要求听证吧。” 张某不服行政处罚决定,遂于2001年10月15日向H区人民政府申请行政复议。H区人民政府受理后认为,严厉打击盗版活动是市委的决定,事关中国入世后的国际形象,在打击盗版活动的风头上,应当给违法的相对人更严厉的行政处罚,遂变更了联合执法小组的行政处罚决定,作出了吊销营业执照、罚款2.5万元的行政复议决定。 2001年10月25日,张某接到了行政复议决定书。张某不服,遂于11月10日向B市H区人民法院提起了行政诉讼,以H区公安局、文化局、工商局、税务局为共同被告。H区人民法院经审查认为被告不合格,遂告知张某变更,张某不同意。11月15日,区人民法院裁定驳回了张某的起诉。11月20日,张某又以H区人民政府为被告,再次向区人民法院提起行政诉讼,区人民政府委托律师王某为诉讼代理人。诉讼过程中,王律师未经法院许可多次到张某及有关证人家了解案情,并将所作询问笔录提交法庭。H区人民法院经审理后认为:当前正值中国入世,严厉打击盗版活动是行政机关和司法机关的共同职责,遂撤销了区人民政府的行政复议决定,作出了吊销营业执照、罚款3万元的判决。张某不服H区人民法院的一审判决,于法定时间内上诉到B市人民法院,B市人民法院没有开庭审理,仅就一审书面材料进行了审理,并作出了撤销一审判决、H区人民政府行政复议决定和联合执法小组的行政处罚决定,责令原处罚单位重新做出行政处罚决定的终审判决。 根据以上案情,请回答下列问题:



参考答案:此问考查行政复议与行政诉讼的关系这个知识点。 根据我国行政法律、法规的规定,行政相对人若不服行政机关实施的具体行政行为,大致有两种救济途径:行政复议和行政诉讼。有的提起行政诉讼必须以复议为前提,有的不需要以复议为前提,还有的在行政复议后即不允许再提起行政诉讼。《行政诉讼法》第37条规定:“对属于人民法院受案范围的行政案件,公民、法人或者其他组织可以先向上一级行政机关或者法律、法规规定的行政机关申请复议,对复议不服的,再向人民法院提起诉讼;也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。”“法律、法规规定应当先向行政机关复议,对复议不服再向人民法院提起诉讼的,依照法律、法规的规定。”第38条规定:“公民、法人或者其他组织向行政机关申请复议的,复议机关应当在收到申请书之日起2个月内作出决定。法律、法规另有规定的除外。”“申请人不服复议决定的,可以在收到行政复议决定书之日起15日内向人民法院提起诉讼。复议机关逾期不作出决定的,申请人可以在复议期满之日起15日内向人民法院提起诉讼。法律另有规定的除外。”据此,张某不服H区人民政府的复议决定,有权在收到行政复议决定书之日起15日内提起行政诉讼。



American pilot Frank Webb first flew a glider at the age of 14, made his first flight alone on his.16th birthday and got his commercial pilot's licensee (执照)on his 18th birthday.

After serving in the US Navy for 20 years, being a Boeing flight instructor, and working with Alaska Airlines for more than three years, Webb signed a contract with Shenzhen Airlines last May to captain domestic routes in China.As an experienced pilot, he still feels the same nervousness as he felt on his first fight.

Captain Webb said that the "Sept.11" incident did not have a direct influence on his decision to move to China to work."Safety is in fact tighter in the United States and I am not worried about a terrorist attack," he said."The main reason I came to China was that my children will have a chance to see the world and experience international living."

Webb has not experienced any in-flight emergencies(紧急情况) during his term in China although he said the weather here was generally more changeable than in the United States."The weather changes tend to be great from north to south.We may be flying in a snow storm in Harbin, and then later that same day we may be flying through a tropical rain shower approaching Shenzhen," Webb said.

While Webb had more flexibility(灵活性) to deal with the weather in the United States, he said air traffic control in China was more strict and allowed fewer deviations(偏离).

Speaking of planes often being late in China, Webb said that in America, being late was one of the few things that would get him in trouble."In China, on the other hand, it seems there are many things that can get you in trouble with the boss, but being late is not one of them." Webb does everything in his power to keep his flights on schedule.

"They provide really excellent service during flights.Western flight attendants just serve passengers.But the Chinese attendants will also check on the crew to see if we need anything," Webb said.

小题1:Why did Webb sign a contract with Shenzhen Airlines? (no more than 20 words)

小题2:What is "glider " (in Paragraph 1)? (no more than 5 words)

小题3:What in the flight Webb met in China increased his difficulty? (no more than 5 words)

小题4:Is Webb's flight often late? Why? (no more than 20 words)

小题5:What can you learn from Webb's words in the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
