There are different kinds of trains in the world. Trains can 1 people, animals, and other things. Some trains are 2 , the others are slow. They can reach most of the cities and towns. Some trains go 3 the hills if they are too high to go over. In big cities, the streets are usually 4 and some cars and buses often have to wait. So you can find trains under the 5 and trains on a rail above the streets. People can quickly be brought in or taken out. Can a train run over 6 ? Yes, it can. There are many bridges over the rivers. But it is not easy to 7 bridges. Today's trains have dining-rooms for people. You may 8 something in them on the way if you are hungry. Trains are 9 to men, women and children. Many children like to play with model trains. With the model trains they can build their own rails and 10 thewonderful world of trains. |
( )1. A. carry ( )2. A. help ( )3. A. through ( )4. A. full ( )5. A. seas ( )6. A. water ( )7. A. mend ( )8. A. cook ( )9. A. useful ( )10.A. hate | B. take B. expensive B. among B. dirty B. farm B. air B. watch B. eat B. polite B. are afraid of | C. bring C. fast C. during C. free C. ground C. forests C. reach C. find C. bad C. get on well with | D. hold D. empty D. above D. busy D. gardens D. mountains D. build D. pick D. lucky D. enjoy |