问题 单项选择题

以下各句中,加下划线的词语使用恰当的一项是( )。







解析: 见风使舵,比喻随机应变,根据形势的变化而改变方向或态度。A项说他什么都知道,是个百事通,应填入褒义词,“见多识广”才对;乐不思蜀,比喻乐而忘返或乐而忘本,多含贬义。B项语境具有褒义色彩,故应当使用“乐此不疲”这样的褒义词;否极泰来指恶运到了尽头,好运就来了,该词在句中用得恰到好处;说东道西指说这说那,信口议论各种亨情。根据语境应填“说一不二”,来形容陶三爷说话的霸气,故本题正确答案选C。



      Mr. Green had a farm in England. He and his wife grew a lot of things on the farm. They worked

very hard. One day Mr. Green said to his wife, "Dear, let's go to London next Sunday. We can have a

good lunch there, and then we can go to the cinema." His wife was very happy when she heard this,

because she and her husband always ate a lot, and she didn't like cooking three times every day. 

     They went to London by train and walked for an hour. When it was twelve o'clock, they wanted to

have a meal. They looked at a few restaurants. In one of them there was a blackboard outside. On the

blackboard was "Lunch 12:30 to14:30 £1.50".

      "Well, that's good," Mr. Green said, "We eat for two hours for £1.50 here! This is the place for


1. Mr. Green took his wife to a very _____ restaurant. [ ]

A. expensive

B. cheap

C. new

D. old

2. Mrs Green was happy because _____. [ ]

A. She didn't have to cook

B. Mr. Green ate too much

C. she couldn't eat much

D. they worked hard

3. Mr. and Mrs Green wanted to see a film (电影)           . [ ]

A. before lunch

B. in the morning

C. in the afternoon

D. in the restaurant

4. The words on the blackboard told people that ______. [ ]

A. they must eat a very slow lunch

B. they must eat for two hours

C. they could have lunch any time between 12:30 and 2:30

D. They must be in the restaurant at 12:30 and leave at 2:30

5. Mrs Green wanted to go into the restaurant because ______. [ ]

A. they could eat for a long time

B. they could eat quickly

C. she was in London

D. she was not hungry
