问题 填空题
A. 完成下列表格,每空词数不限.
                                                          How to ask politely
Where are the potato chips?Could you please tell me (1)__________?
There's no milk left, is there?  Excuse me. Do you know (2)____________?
How does this work?   Can you show me (3)_____________?
Give me a pound of that. (4)_____________, please?
B. 完成下列句子,每空词数不限.
5. It is a very common and necessary activity to _____________.
6. Knowing _____________ is important.
7. We should change _____________we speak when talking with different people.
84. The expressions you use might depend on ___________ you are speaking to or __________ you know them.
9. If you stop a stranger in the street, we might first say "Excuse me. __________" or "I'm sorry to trouble you
but," before asking them for help.


1. where the potato chips are

2. if there's any more milk

3. how this works

4. Will you give me a pound of that / Can / could I have a pound of that 


5. ask for information or help  

6. how to ask for information politely

7. the way                  

8. whom; how well  

9. I wonder if you can help me
