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人民检察院对公安机关及其人民警察在侦查活动中对被害人、证人以体罚、威胁、诱骗等非法手段收集证据的,要及时发现并纠正,依法实施监督。 ( )





Ever think you might have an adopted twin somewhere? It's fairly common childhood   fantasy.  But for

two little girls adopted from China two years ago, the fantasy turned out to be true。 Their new moms,

who live in minois and Florida,  met on an Internet site for parents who have adopted  in China. When

they  realized that their daughters, now 3, had come from the same orphanage,  they  began comparing

photos and other information. That led to genetic tests that confirmed their suspicion :The girls are twins.  

What's more, they were both named Mia by their new parents. " It's a miracle , " said  Holly Funk , one

of the moms.  " In the sea of humanity,the two kids found each other. " The girls had been abandoned on

a sidewalk in Yangzhou about a week apart. When they were reunited in Illinois two weeks ago, they

shyly eyed each other,then reached for the other's hand. About 120, 000 kids are adopted in the United

Stastes each year. Nearly 8 ,000 Chinese children were adopted by Americans in 2005 , according to

the US officials.

1. Which of the following can possibly be the title of the passage?___________    

A. Two American Moms    

B. Children Adopted by Americans    

C. Haven't I Seen You Before?    

D. Abandoned Chinese Twins

2. The moms did all the following EXCEPT__________.    

A. compared photos and other information    

B. did genetic tests    

C. met on the Internet    

D. got the twins reunited in Illinois

3. The underlined word  "That"  refers to_____________.    

A. childhood    

B. the moms' suspicion    

C. an Internet site    

D. the comparison of photos and other information

4. Which of the following statements in NOT TRUE?

   A. The twins will pay more visits to each other in the coming years.    

B. It's quite by chance that the two girls found each other.    

C. Nearly 7%  of all the kids adopted in the US are from China.    

D. The two girls were adopted two years ago.