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解析:[考点] 先予执行
[详解] 《民事诉讼法》第97条规定:“人民法院对下列案件,根据当事人的申请,可以裁定先予执行:(一)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费、抚恤金、医疗费用的;(二)追索劳动报酬的;(三)因情况紧急需要先予执行的。”《民诉意见》第107条规定:“民事诉讼法第九十七条第(三)项规定的紧急情况,包括:(1)需要立即停止侵害、排除妨碍的;(2)需要立即制止某项行为的;(3)需要立即返还用于购置生产原料、生产工具货款的;(4)追索恢复生产、经营急需的保险理赔费的。”根据上述规定,王某在起诉后,判决做出前,为了立即制止杂志社的侵权行为,有权向法院申请先予执行,请求法院责令杂志社停止本期的发行。

     My hero is my father, Peter Murawski, because without my dad, my life would be nothing. My dad works
to support the  1 . Not only does he put in the normal weekday, he also works a night shift to add money to
the family budget so that we can have a roof over our heads, food on the table, heat, electricity, cable and in
the future, a college education. Dad doesn't get home  2  midnight and he gets up every morning at 6:00. In the
moming, my dad wakes me up. Then he goes downstairs to make lunch for us. He makes sure we get off to
school and is there to give us a  3  if one of us misses the bus. After that, Dad goes to work; he spends eight
hours staring at a computer screen. When he returns home, Dad usually  4  has an hour or so before he has to
leave for his other jobs. I help by fixing dinner, but sometimes he doesn't even have time to.  5 .
     On the weekends, you would think that Dad would want to  6 , but he's still up at the crack of dawn.
What is he doing? He's either working in the yard  7  making repairs to the house.
     Every once in a long while Dad will stop and rest. He'll  8  to a nice family dinner or lounge in his big
comfortable chair to watch football or channel surf. At these times my dad gets the energy he needs to keep
up his lifestyle, sacrificing (牺牲) all his  9  for the family.
     My dad is a real  10  of what you can do for your family if you really love them. He puts us first and never
stops to think of  11 . He deserves to be rewarded, yet if I mentioned that to him, he'd say that the  12  of his
children are enough for him.
( )1. A. factory  
( )2. A. why      
( )3. A. ride     
( )4. A. also     
( )5. A. stop     
( )6. A. do sports
( )7. A. but      
( )8. A. sit down 
( )9. A. joy      
( )10. A. role    
( )11. A. himself 
( )12. A. interests
B. farm       
B. until      
B. call       
B. only       
B. plan       
B. have a trip
B. so         
B. give back  
B. hope       
B. example    
B. themselves 
B. needs      
C. business   
C. at         
C. ticket     
C. still      
C. eat        
C. make friends
C. just       
C. get up     
C. time       
C. master     
C. myself     
C. smiles     
D. family      
D. before      
D. meal        
D. already     
D. play        
D. take a break
D. or          
D. show off    
D. money       
D. friend      
D. ourselves                                
D. grades      