Attention, please! We've heard a lot about AH1N1(甲型H1N1) these days, so all of us need to know
how to avoid getting 1 (生病的). Here are 2 (五) suggestions for you.
First, hand washing is one of the best ways. Be sure to wash your hands 3 (用) water after
touching animals, or after you cough into your hands. Second, keep your 4 (房间) and living
environment 5 (干净的). Third, don't go to the places where there are 6 (许多) people,
for example, 7 (公共汽车) stations or train stations. Fourth, don't be too close to 8 (猪)
or the places where they are kept. Last, 9 (喝) more water every day and remember to keep the
air fresh in your bedroom.
Don't 10 (担心) about it too much. But if you cough a lot, or if you have a high temperature,
report it to your teacher in time. The teacher will help you right away.
That's all. Thank you.
1. sick / ill 2. five 3. with 4. room/rooms 5. clean
6. many 7. bus 8. pigs 9. drink / have 10. worry