蝴蝶的生命史为:蝴蝶幼虫出生10天左右后发育成成虫,成虫45天后变成蛹,而蛹要经过地底下几个月的漫漫长眠才能化蛹成蝶,开始它最灿烂的历程。从哲学上看,化蛹成蝶的过程是 [ ]
蝴蝶的生命史为:蝴蝶幼虫出生10天左右后发育成成虫,成虫45天后变成蛹,而蛹要经过地底下几个月的漫漫长眠才能化蛹成蝶,开始它最灿烂的历程。从哲学上看,化蛹成蝶的过程是 [ ]
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-45各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 I don’t think there is any one being as interested in food as I. We lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had a good 36 . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going down to the 37 _ and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. When other boys __ 38 to do sports after school, I helped with cooking at home. By the time I was 15, I had _39 to be a cook. However, I knew my parents wouldn’t allow me to be a cook. I had to tell them about it 40. I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and stayed for a month in a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer, 41 I brought the subject up one night over dinner. 42 there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was 43 painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was a work of creation. I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not 44 . He just looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I can see they are 45 me. However, my grandfather thinks I’m mad to give up farming.