问题 阅读理解

Reading comprehension.

A. Entertainment News

    In this section all kinds of news about movies, songs and pop stars are available (可找到的).

B. Advertisement Section

     Here are advertisements of different products, such as food, latest books, and sports machines, etc.

C. Reading Section

     In this part, we will introduce some hot traveling places to you. Some safety tips during journeys are

     also offered.

D. International News

     Here is news about the events that happened all over the world.

E. Sports News

     Important sports events are broadcast (传播) here. And we often interview some good players.

F. Health Section

     Winter is coming and it is easy to get ill. If you want to know how to keep away from diseases, you

     should pay attention to this section.

Match the information according to what you read.

( )1. Mike cares about sports events and how the sports players are now.

( )2. Mr. Brown is interested in reading. He wants to know what kinds of new books have come out

           and where to buy them.

( )3. Zhang Peng is really a film fan. Recently he would like to know what new movies are like and 

           some information about Jackie Chan.

( )4. Lana's father is working abroad (国外)in Libya. A war (战争)broke out there, so she is rather 

           worried about the situation in Libya.

( )5. Lucy is in poor health. She is so anxious to know how to keep fit.





材料一 “臣谨案春秋之中,视前世已行之事,以观天人相与之际,甚可畏也。国家将有失道之败,而天乃先出灾害以谴告之,不知自省,又出怪异以警惧之,尚不知变,而伤败乃至。以此见天心之仁爱人君而欲止其乱也。……


材料二 从北宋的周、张、二程,到南宋的朱子,再到明代的王阳明,理学的领军人物,其学问的成就确实多与佛、老脱不了干系。虽然用心性修养的方式来证成圣人之道,在先秦儒学中就已存在,理学家也每每援引古籍旧说以为据,但如此集中、突出地用心性之学来体证、描述儒学义理,无疑是宋以后在佛、老刺激下的结果。理学在工夫论及心性本体论上,均与佛、老颇多相似之处,以至于自始便蒙受“阳儒阴佛”、“阳挤之而阴助之”之类的讥刺,甚至理学内部各派之间也互相以佛、老相诋。


材料三 儒家思想影响下的社会,一般都具有一些显见的道德教条及行为教条(尤其在公共场合);但是在私人场合,儒家对其治下的个体只要求自我反省,与其他很多宗教相比,这种自我反省并不具有排他性。儒家的这种开放导致了儒家具有一些宗教所不具有的的包容性,这是儒家与一般宗教的一个重要区别。





