问题 阅读理解与欣赏
(shuò)风。(          )它们都是风,(          )它们的脾性却完全不同。
       春天,农民伯伯脱下棉衣,播下种子,一阵阵春风吹过,唤醒了万物,许多种子悄悄地露出头来,探望那明媚的世界。草儿绿了,花儿开了,田野里一片生机勃勃。 温暖的春风给人们带来了欢乐。
       夏日,天气非常闷热,大滴大滴的汗珠,从人们脸上滚落下来,人们是多么需要风啊!可是,风却和我们捉迷藏,不知躲到哪里去了。(          )有点风,(          )是暖烘烘的,吹散不了炎热,怪不得叫“熏风”。 
       隆冬,凛冽的寒风怒号,卷起尘土,刮得人们睁不开眼睛。清晨,路上行人稀 少。有些人缩着脖子匆匆地赶路。几个调皮的小男孩干脆倒退着行走,躲过风头。我们却迎着寒风坚持长跑,(          )我们有一颗火热的心。
     即使……也……             虽然……但是……             ……是因为…… 

1.虽然……但是……           即使……也…………          是因为……  


     金风,凉丝丝、给人们带来喜悦;朔风,怒号、 卷起尘土、刮得人睁不开眼睛





     Mrs Johnson was born in a rich shopkeeper's family.   her father married her to a farmer.    her husband bought

everything she wanted and a few servants did all the housework for her.   She liked all kinds of delicious food but

never had sports.  She spent most time playing cards and sleeping.    She always went to bed late at night and got

up in the afternoon. She hardly used her head and her husband arranged( 安排)all for her. So she lived a light life.

     But the woman began to be worried about her health when she was thirty-five. She got fatter and fatter and her

memory got worse and worse.    Sometimes she forgot what  happened a few minutes ago.   She had to go to see a


     "I often forget something and it troubles me," answered Mrs. Johnson.

     "How long have you been like this?"

     "Oh! I have forgotten what you said just now," called out the woman.

     "I said,'You'd pay me for the charge( 费用)first .'"

1.Mrs Johnson was _______.

A. healthy        

B. strong      

C. forgetful      

D. busy

2.The word"servant"means _____.

A. 厨师            

B. 花匠        

C. 管家            

D. 仆人

3.Mrs john did nothing at home because _______.

A. she was born in a rich family

B. her husband  arranged all for her

C. something was wrong with her

D. she had no children

4.______ troubled Mrs Johnson, so she went to see the doctor.

A. The fatness( 肥胖)

B. A bed  memory

C. The poor health

D. Much worry 

5.The doctor was afraid _______.

A. Mrs Johnson was poor

B. Mrs Johnson was going to run 

C. Mrs Johnson forgot to take money with her

D .Mrs Johnson forgot to pay him for the charge
