问题 填空题

Part 4

Questions 26-45

·Read the following passage and choose the best word for each space.
·For questions 26-45, mark one letter A, B, C or D on the Answer Sheet.
During the past ten years (26) attention has been given to "telling it like it is". My impression is that this devotion to (27) one’s mind has more often led to hurt feelings and ruined relationships than (28) great joy.
I think we generally agree that never expressing real feelings and (29) all less-than-lovely thoughts about each other always leads to constructive communication. It’s a great (30) to allow ourselves to admit our human weaknesses and pursue more honest relationships with others. (31) we need to keep a balance between telling it all and telling nothing.
Recently I received a letter from a mother who had been (32) by her son to attend a weekend meeting with him. Under pressure from the group, her defenses cracked and she heard herself (33) her son for the first time that he (34) an accident—that she hadn’t been planning to have a child. He (35) told her that he couldn’t recall a single day in his childhood that he’d been happy. We cried and (36) ; I thought telling the truth had been good for us. But the trouble is, it wasn’t the whole truth. By the time Tommy was born I did want him, and at (37) he was happy. Ever since that day, we (38) . by some terrible feelings we exchanged. I must admit I’ve (39) the conclusion that some things are better left uncovered. Honesty is a fine policy, but we need a new sense of (40) . Disclosing is not a solution to every problem (41) even an end in itself. It’s useful under some circumstances and terribly hurtful under (42) . It’s a good idea, I think, to bite your (43) for ten or fifteen minutes before saying what’s (44) your mind. Try to decide whether it’s going to open up new and better ways of communication or (45) wounds that may never heal.







解析: [考点] 上下文推理

[分析]: 根据上下文可推出,该句是指诚实是上项非常好的处世原则,但需要在说出全部和一点也不说之间找到全新意义的平衡,故选项B.balance正确。本文第2段中最后一句“…keep a balance between…”也是解题关键所在。


李某、赵某两人互发邮件协商洽谈合同,4月30口李某称:“我有手提电脑一台,配置为…,九成新,8000元欲出手,”5月1日赵某回电称:“东西不错,7800元可要,”李某于5月 2日回复:“可以,5月7日到我这儿来。”赵某于5月4日回电:“同意。”李某于当日收到。上述邮件为李某、赵某二人分别在S市、H市所发,李某的经常居住地为M市,赵某的经常居住地为 K市。5月7日赵某到李某处取电脑,发现李某的电脑运行速度明显比正常的慢,比约定的标准差得多,自己无法使用,便拒绝接受,李某遂降低价格,以3000元出手,赵某同意并取走电脑,此时赵某尚未付款。请回答下列以下问题:

设李某的电脑上本染有病毒,但李某不知情。赵某问有无病毒是否需要杀毒时,李某说使用多年从未感染过病毒。结果赵某在使用时病毒发作,硬盘被锁死,整台电脑报废。则下列对于损失承担的说法中正确的是:( )。





单项选择题 A1型题