问题 阅读理解与欣赏




桃红复含宿雨, 柳绿更带朝烟。

花落家童未扫, 莺啼山客犹眠。






小题1:a.寓情于景,情景交融;b. 渲染烘托但是山客仍沉眠未醒,显示出环境只清净。


小题1:此题考查鉴赏诗歌的表达方式。诗歌的表现手法多涉及景与情,动与静等。本题也可答:a色彩鲜明,用桃红柳绿来写春景,给人艳丽感受; b.视觉听觉结合,以声衬静,莺啼清脆。


Play is very important for humans from birth to death. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of (1) that can tap into your creativity, and can allow you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others. I have collected the (2) of play here.
Play can stimulate you (3) . It can go against all the rules, and change the same (4) . Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to (5) changed the world of entertainment. The next time you are stuck in a (6) way of life, puI1 out a box of color pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and (7) and break free. You will be amazed at the way your thinking (8) .
Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like if (9) each day in play I bet just asking you this question has (10) . Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment, (11) . Starting today, try to get 30 minutes each day to engage in some form of play, and (12) rise!
Play is known (13) . Studies show that, as humans, play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and (14) . With regular play, our problem-solving and (15) will be in much better shape to handle this complex world, and we are much more likely to choose (16) as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and (17) to our daily living.
Play can (18) , curiosity, and creativity. Research shows that play is both a "hands-on" and "minds-on" learning process. It produces a deeper, (19) of the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story making, and playing out (20) .