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某电视机生产企业的一名技术人员康民思利用该企业的资金、技术开发出一新型的电视机,康民思为了获取利益与朋友孔斯暗中商定以3万元钱将该项技术转让给孔斯,但要求孔斯千万不要宣扬,以避免其靳在企业知道。孔斯获得该生产新型电视机技术之后找到费克,两人约定:孔斯以技术出资,但不参加生产经营,由费克全面负责生产和销售该新型电视机。费克、孔斯按每年利润的 7:3分成。协商好后,费克用孔斯提供的技术开始批量生产电视机。正当费克准备将电视机推向市场之时,得知在深圳有一个大型电子产品展销会。费克认为这是一个推销自己产品的极好机会,于是向展销会举办者华茂公司租了一个大型柜台来推销这种新型的电视机,为配合这次行动,费克提供有关电视机的各种情况给广告经营者费森登,吹嘘该电视机其质量是如何的先进、安全、可靠,使得消费者信以为真,纷纷来购买这种电视机,有不少厂家来与费克签约预订。展销会结束后,费克凯旋而归。不久,购买该电视机的消费者纷纷投诉该电视机,经有关部门鉴定认为,该电视机确有一些先进的技术成分,但是由于相关的一些技术还达不到要求,使得该电视机使用过长便会引起爆炸,另外该电视机做工粗糙,经常漏电,存在严重隐患,该产品还达不到上市的要求,请回答下列第88—90题:
假设费克销售其生产的电视机给奈克,奈克后来知晓这个电视机有缺陷,他可以向谁主张退货和赔偿损失( )







     Professor Reason recently persuaded 35 people to keep a diary of all their absent-minded

actions for two weeks. When he came to analyze(分析) their embarrassing errors , he was

surprised to find that nearly all of them fell into a few groups .

     One of the women, for instance, on leaving her house for work one morning threw her pet

dog her ear-rings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear. " The explanation for this is that the

brain is like a computer, " explains the professor, " People programme themselves to do certain

activities regularly. It was the woman's custom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and

then put on her ear-rings. But somehow the action got reversed(颠倒) in the programme ." About

one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these " programme assembly failures."

     Twenty per cent of all errors were " test failures "-primarily due to not verifying the progress of

what the body was doing . A man about to get his car out of the garage passed through the back

yard where his garden jacket and boots were kept , put them on -much to his surprise . A woman

victim reported : " I got into the bath with my socks on ."

    The commonest problem was information " storage failures". People forgot the names of people

whose faces they knew, went into a room and forgot why they were there, mislaid something, or

smoked a cigarette without realizing it.

    The research so far suggests that while the " central processor" of the brain is liberated from

second-to-second control of a well-practiced routine, it must repeatedly switch back its attention

at important decision points to check that the action goes on as intended. Otherwise the activity

may be " captured " by another frequently and recently used programme, resulting in embarrassing


1. The purpose of Professor Reason's research is          .

A. to show the difference between men and women in their reasoning

B. to classify and explain some errors in human actions

C. to find the causes which lead to computer failures 

D. to compare computer functions with brain workings .

2. Which of the following might be grouped under " programme assembly failures "?

A. A woman went into a shop and forgot what to buy.

B. A man returning home after work left his key in the lock.

C. A lady fell as she was concentrating on each step her feet were taking.

D. An old man, with his shoes on, was trying to put on his socks.

3. The word " verifying " in paragraph 3 can be replaced by         .

A. improving    

B. changing  

C. checking  

D. stopping

4. According to the passage, the information " storage failures " refer to        . 

A. the destruction of information collecting system

B. the elimination of one's total memory 

C. the temporary loss of part of one's memory 

D. the separation of one's action from consciousness