My Stay in New York
After graduation from university, I had been unable to secure a permanent job in my small town. So I decided to leave home for New York, 小题1:______I might have a better chance to find a good job. 小题2: ______ (earn) some money to pay the daily expenses, I started work in a local café as a waiter. I believe that小题3:______ ______ ______ I was offered a good position, I would resign at once.
Over time, the high cost of living became a little burden on my already 小题4: ______ (exhaust) shoulder. On the other hand, my search for a respectable job had not met with much success. As I had studied literature at university, I found it quite difficult to secure a suitable job in big companies. Mother had just said that 小题5:______ I want to have a better career advancement, I had to find work in the city. Perhaps 小题6:______my mother had told me was deeply rooted in my mind. I just did as she had expected.
Soon I had lived in the city for over six months but I still did not like it. Apparently, I had difficulty小题7:______ (adapt) myself to life in the city, let alone finding a job to my delight. After nine months of frustration, I eventually decided to go back to my small town. Not until I returned 小题8:______I realize that a quiet town life was the best for me.
嫦娥四号,专家称“四号星”,计划在2017年发射升空,它是嫦娥探月工程计划中嫦娥系列的第四颗人造探月卫星,主要任务是更深层次、更加全面的科学探测月球地貌、资源等方面的信息,完善月球档案资料.已知月球的半径为R,月球表面的重力加速度为g,月球的平均密度为ρ,嫦娥四号离月球中心的距离为r,绕月周期为T.根据以上信息下列说法正确的是( )