问题 补全对话,情景问答
A: Do you want to come here?
B: Maybe man will go to live on mars in the future.
C: But now it is a big step for man.
D: Can man go to live on it?
E: It will be more crowded.
F: It is good for me.
G: What is your unreal dream?
A: What's your dream?
B: I have an unreal dream.
A: 1.              
B: I hope to be a Mars citizen (市民).
A: It is perhaps, a true dream.
B: 2.              
A: I see, there are so many people on such a small earth. It is too crowded everywhere.
B: There will be more babies born this century on our planet.
A: 3.              
B: So I hope to be a citizen who lives on Mars.
A: It is a good idea to solve the crowded problem of our planet.
B: 4.              
A: The scientist said that there is no air, no water and no life on it. 5.              
B: I don't think so, but I am sure man's dream to live on Mars will come true one day.
A: Perhaps our dream will come true before long.

1-5: GDEBC


  xià miàn de jù zi dōu shì xiě tàiyáng de dú yì dú kàn xiě de shì shén me  jì  jié de tài yáng zài kuò hào lǐ fēn   下 面 的 句 子 都 是 写 太 阳 的。 读一读 , 看 写 的 是什 么 季 节 的 太阳 。在括号里分

bié tián shàng chūn xià qiū dōng   

别填 上 春、夏、秋、冬。

    tài yáng chū lái le gěi yín sè dà  dì mǒ shàng le jǐ lǚ dàn dàn de hóng yóu cǎi    

1.太阳出来了,给银色的大地抹上了几缕淡淡的红油彩。(    )     

    hóng yàn yàn de  tài yáng xiàng wǒ men zǒu jìn le tā yào lái cǎi yì duǒ zuì měi lì de táo huā     

2.红艳艳的太阳向我们走近了,它要来采一朵最美丽的桃花。(    )     

    hūn húang de tài yáng hǎo xiàng pà lěng shì de duǒ de yuǎn yuǎn de     

3.昏黄的太阳好像怕冷似的,躲得远远的。(     )      

    jīn sè de tài yáng shě bù de zǒu yuǎn qù yīn wèi tā ài zhè qiān lǐ mián bái gāo liáng hóng    

4.金色的太阳舍不得走远去,因为它爱这千里棉白高梁红。(     )      

    zhè shí jié de tài yáng jiǎn zhí chéng bái de le lǎo niú yì xīn yào duǒ kāi tā ér jí jí de cháo hé biānzǒu qù     

5.这时节的太阳简直成白的了,老牛一心要躲开它而急急地朝河  边走去。( ) 

不定项选择 案例分析题