问题 选择题

2007年12月29日,温 * * * * 吟诵了自己创作的俳句“常忆融冰旅,梅花瑞雪兆新岁,明年春更好”送给到访的福田康夫首相,表达了中日领导人和中日人民对中日关系的美好期盼。下列名句与该俳句蕴涵相同哲理的是【      】







A与温 * * 的诗句都表达了经过了苦难或艰苦的努力,美好的愿望一定可以实现。



     For the next seven years, sit down each evening and write down ten things you are grateful for each day.

Better still, do this with partner or friend. Before we practice gratitude (感恩), we are in the dark and there

appears to be very little to be grateful for. Once we begin, a new light dawns, sometimes a brilliant light, a

light as bright as heaven itself.

     To whom are you grateful in your life? Do these people know the full extent of your gratitude? Do you

realize how grateful they will be when you tell them? Gratitude is more important than an attitude; gratitude

is philosophy. The philosophy of gratitude being as a hope, grows into a belief, and finally becomes an

absolute knowing. It is a knowing that within any given situation-peaceful or painful or ugly-there is always

a gift waiting, waiting for to see.

     If it appears you have nothing to be grateful for, it is because you are not allowing yourself to receive.

Just because you do not receive does not mean there is nothing to receive. On the contrary (相反), there

is always ____ and so there is always a reason to be grateful. Pray:"Dear God, teach me I am worthy to

receive, teach me how to receive, teach me gratitude". Gratitude is good medicine. One single serving of

gratitude is often enough to open the heart, energise the body, warm the bones, make your hair curl, put a

spring in your step, start you humming, and make you smile like a baby.

1. What's the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? Showing even a bit of gratitude

    can make everything look fine, and it will be of great benefit to you. 


3. Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.

    (Please answer within 10 words.) 


4. Do you agree with the author's opinion of gratitude? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) 


5. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese. 

